
Yeah, it's crazy that a gay person wouldn't pick Alabama as a vacation destination. That's definitely the result of stereotyping and not, say, reality.

It's ridiculous they didn't opt for dynamic window sizing to accommodate the lettering.

He goes by Jeb! now.

*gets Webster*

Fresno needs a reality check.

Just new colors. It's been at Guitar Center for a year or so.

I'd say about 50% of the signature models are foreign-built, but the number's climbing. . Troy Van Leeuwen from Queens and Chris Shiflett from Foo Fighters both have Mexican-made signature models. But even the Clapton, SRV, and possibly the old John Mayer models were made in the US and a little cheaper than St.

They're really expensive, but they're REALLY nice. They've actually been out for a year or so at Guitar Center (this announcement is really just about new colors) and they're really fun to play, albeit a bit goofy-looking.

I read somewhere that he flew to Cleveland, then took the cab from there to L.A.

I agree. It was so disappointing when they condensed the list last year (though the ballot piece mitigates things), and this year, it's not only short, but reads like it was written by…not-professionals. Even the good writers' paragraphs above seem phoned in and obligatory.

No LA dates? Tour ends early April? If he wasn't there last year, I'd say this has tour has "Coachella performer" written all over it.

I was a Houston native and didn't quite know what to do with my fandom when they moved. If the Titans were the Tennessee Oilers, they'd probably still be my team, but with the original team playing as the Titans and the Texans being boring, awful, and expansion-y, I've had no allegiances for the past 20 years. You

Appreciate your honesty!

I've seen MBV and Dino Jr. several times each (no Curve, though) and while they're both loud, Dino sounds like a REALLY loud rock band whereas MBV does the shoegaze thing where it, true to the cliche, feels like a pushing-and-pulling, wishy-washy soundscape that's far more disorienting and weird. I think the big

MSS - Michael Shannon Syndrome

We're gonna call this "content," Internet. (It'll be our little secret.)

Punctuation would have just watered down your quip. And yes, you're right.

I'd watch that. A long-form video interview doesn't really sound that prohibitive, actually. But I'm no expert.

Thanks for that. I'm not sure if these snippets are regular part of your interviews, but I'm all for the highlights making the rounds as audio clips.

He said "likes." He didn't say "gets."