
Sure the BBC does great stuff, no doubt. But are you seriously arguing that these people, who talk about cars on TV, deserve to make 100x’s the median income of the UK? And what US congresspersons make is somehow the relevant comparison? You might want to google the fallacy of false comparisons. Jesus, you’re

I don’t share your optimism. They will have plenty of time to spin this as the Democrats’ fault before the mid-terms, and will be unconstrained by any basic honesty in doing so; they’ll follow the Trump playbook, which they’ve seen works. The folks out in Hannity-land aren’t going to suddenly start reading and

A congressman makes about $170,000 to represent thousands or millions of constituents. The highest paid guy here makes about $2.8 million to talk about cars for a couple hours a week. If Brits are ok with paying for that from public funds, more power to them. I think it’s grotesque.

Christ, people over there are ok with TV personalities being paid this much money with public funds?

Buncha criminal masterminds at work here. This case will never be solved.

She’s not going to run because she’d get obliterated. This is a publicity stunt to churn profits for her books and TV shows. Let’s not overthink it.

You’ve created the platonic ideal of meaningless New Age bullshit thinking in about 100 words. Congratulations.

It’s too bad you weren’t around to check everybody on being judgmental when they were burning women at the stake for being witches (or maybe they were witches, who are we to say?) and the enslavement of black people was justified by the belief in the magical Jew in the sky and the book he and his dad wrote in olden

I say the same thing about organized religion and relying on prayer and holy water, yes. What’s your point? Given the tremendous damage all of this bullshit mystical thinking has done over millennia. It’s not innocuous, it’s been used to fleece the stupid and the poor since the dawn of human civilization. It

Saying you have no psychic abilities is like saying you didn’t sprout wing at an early age begin to fly. No one has psychic abilities. You realize how silly you sound, as an adult I assume, saying that you believe there is some mystical connection between your “past” and the outcome of a shuffle of a deck of cards?

There’s no way to “demystify” tarot-card reading. You can’t demystify bullshit that has no scientific or rational basis. As the saying goes, “hospitals don’t employ faith-healers for the same reasons psychics don’t win the lottery”.

I seem to remember an article where he described the long, elaborate procedure he goes thru to assemble that hair every morning, which he does himself (because he probably couldn’t take the humiliation of someone seeing him uncoiffed, though it’s hard to imagine it being more humiliating that the end product). I like

What’s amazing is that every instance of hypocrisy is treated with outrage by his detractors, and repeated hand-wringing about how this is the thing that will brng him down. But his supporters simply don’t care, his blend of stupidity, ignorance, bigotry, jingoism, and percieved “deal-making” skills are so far into

A dozen? That guy gets a dozen a game. He’s got, like, 9,000 balls.

There’s no such thing as a non-electric cattle prod. That’s what makes it a cattle prod.

Ok, there Big Guy. You really proved your point talking about “your buddy”. I have been shut down by this comment. I’m done. Commenting is over because of this guy’s “buddy”. Sports iz hard.

He’s 30 years old, playing single-A ball with no chance of going any higher. That’s pretty much the definition of a washout. 

It’s fucking single A ball. Don’t be too impressed. This is where 18 year old borderline prospects and 38 year old washouts play. It’s a step above your local industrial league team, where the aging superstar from high school hits a dinger a few times a year.

You mean assuming she got the three brain cells in her head all working together to think anything at all? Doubtful. She’s as dumb as a rock.

He has a shallow view of the world that is based on the most superficial things and he’s stupid enough to think that everyone else in the world is the same way. What woman wouldn’t get weak in the knees when an alpha male like him tells her she’s beautiful and in great shape? He is, of course, excepted from this