
You sure you want to take a break from breathlessly covering people playing video game to get this hot take on the record?

Steve Sax.

As fucking weird looking as he is, he looks downright normal next to his demon-spawn brother, who looks like a genetics experiment gone wrong.

He can’t really throw anyone under the bus because once he does that person will spill the beans on the entire enterprise. He could have fucked Manafort over a long time ago, with no obvious political downside, but he hasn’t. He has no real loyalty to Kushner, beyond his daughter being married to him, which I would

Jesus, McIness has got to be in the “thinks he’s a lot smarter than he actually is” hall of fame. I’ve been casually following his career for about ten years and the depths of his crass stupidity is really hard to fathom. He’s a revolutionary, fever-dreamed rabble-rouser in his own mind, but just a total ignorant

Jesus, people think American sports is stupid. Look at this retard circus and all the pseudo-bullshit. Does anyone take this embarrassing nonsense seriously?

My high school football coach (circa 1988) made what I’m sure was a state-sponsored trip to New Zealand and came back the biggest haka believer in the world (Hi, Mike Cox if you’re out there still coaching high school football as intensely as the Navy trains SEALs). He made us do it before every fucking game for two

That six second video of Froome supposedly short turning Aru showed exactly nothing. I watched it ten times and have no idea what you’re talking about. It might as well be the Zapruder film.

Absolutely. It’s the same thing in the West (where I live). Supposedly free-living cowboys who hold the state they’re from (esp. MT, WY, and ID) as their first loyalty and will bitch about the lack of states’ rights and the federal government’s encroachment on their freedoms, but who also have no idea how much they

You couldn’t be bothered to find a picture of a black bear for the header and went with a grizzly instead? There are very few grizzlies in Colorado, possibly even none.

It’s not weird if you see it from their perspective. They believe the Confederate cause was just and the Union was wrong, and therefore secession was justified, as was the war to defend the Confederacy. They believe the Confederacy was morally superior and literally wish that the South had won. Some try to have it

He probably is a good kid but he looks like an asshole taking most of those shots. His first game as a pro and he takes about ten shots that were five feet behind the three-point line? Jesus, he looked like a rec league chucker.

He looks like a 10 year old shooting everything from waist level. His percentage might go up if he didn’t take every shot from the fucking parking lot.

It’s hard to describe. Mostly drumming, lots of unexpected audience interaction. What they do takes a lot of talent and skill it just wasn’t for me.

She died in 1995, well before Dylan became the sun around which I orbit. But I love having that one degree of separation. I’d love to meet him but I’m not sure I could keep my shit together if that actually happened.

I paid a fortune for Blue Man Group tickets a few years ago in Chicago because my then-girlfriend thought it would be fun. It was stupid as shit, I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

I bet you’re fun at parties.

He’s allergic to hassles, which might just be a byproduct of having been one of the most famous people in the world, at that point, for about 15 years. Or just an artistic temperament that doesn’t really care about the day-to-day stuff. But then when he was in town he’d stop by to say hello and they’d end up talking

My aunt worked for Dylan in the 1970's and has always said that he is an incredibly sweet guy (and endearingly weird, too). I’ve always liked Kesha without knowing a thing about her music. If Dylan really is her North Star then she’s alright with me because he’s my North Star, too.

I represent an oral surgeon who went to Harvard undergrad and his entire website used the Harvard color scheme and symbols (e.g., the Veritas badge). Almost everything in his office relates to Harvard somehow, too. He can’t take the chance some might not be aware that he went to Harvard.