
You can only imagine what a guy like Putin thinks of this stupid, pathetic toady.

A friend of mine went to high school with a pro athlete who now pitches in the major leagues. While he was in Chicago, she would occasionally go out with him and a bunch of friends. Despite making around $400,000 a month, he never picked up a check. He was totally fine letting friends who are plumbers or who taught

I don’t think it’s that outrageous of a request; you’re absolutely right. And you’re also right that it should have been communicated clearly to the media.

Ok. For your next hearing you should wear a halter top and boy shorts. And don’t forget the flip-flops. Everyone will be very impressed by your behavior.

Jesus Christ. That makes my 27.5 BMI self just sad. Humans are horrible. Horrible!

My limited recollection of BMI was that 25 was the line between normal and obese so I knocked off a good solid 5 points, thinking that would put her well within the skinny range. I will defer to you on this, however.

One would think that working some place as high falutin’ as the U.S. Capitol would lead people to up their dress game. But these reporters do this for a living and they’re there everyday. I don’t think that asking a congressman questions (especially a slimy weasel like Ryan) in a foyer has the same gravitas as

Then why not remove the financial incentive to do it in the first place? You’re not eligible for a paycheck unless you’ve won your first round match? That would at least give him some incentive to fight back after getting shithoused in the first set.

Well, the sport includes sparkly oufits and ridiculous make-up and smaltzy music, and is subjectively judged by other humans for its inherently artistic and technical worth. It’s dancing on the ice and requires incredible skill and athleticism. But it doesn’t scream “sport” the same way basketball or soccer or

This is pretty standard for Nascar. I don’t remember what it’s called but the drivers and teams, who can’t afford tires and fuel for the entire race, start and then quit in order to get the last place check. And no one really holds it against them. The money is there, you’re not going to win, go take it.

I’ll take the old dude who can’t dress himself properly over lawyers wearing polos and dockers in a court of law before a judge. I’m not terribly conservative myself but I like the rules because it shows respect for the institution. If you’re on trial for murder do you want your attorney to be dressed in business

He thinks he’s at a rally and they’re about to start chanting “lock her up”.

Poles are the most enthusiastic nationalist and Catholic group of people in the world and took to helping the nazis take care of the “Jewish problem” without the need for a lot of encouragement. His anti-immigrant, xenophobic rhetoric probably really resonates with the people, especially the older folks.

Same, except the dresses without jackets. It wouldn’t be tolerated in this jurisdiction. I doubt a judge would notice or care about open toed shoes on a woman if she were otherwise dressed appropriately. But, man, do some attorneys push the envelope on skirt lengths/tightness and amount of visible décolletage.

Oddly enough, in Great Britain it’s the barristers who have to wear the robe and the horsehair wigs (that are, like, $1,000) and the judges just wear suits. I got to spend some time in the criminal and appellate courts over there and that was one of the things that was really surprising.

The quote is “soothes the savage breast”. Just saying, if we’re going to quote Shakespeare let’s at least get it right.

That pink top had sleeves, albeit small ones, but it was not flattering. And you know that Trump noticed that. Nuclear bombs could be falling from the sky and he would’ve noticed that. I’m sure it’s difficult for him to accept that his spokesperson doesn’t have a BMI of 20. If there were someone who could do what

I think a burqa is a fantastic idea. Paul Ryan’s face would star melting off.

The practice of law, especially when appearing in court, is the last bastion of stuffy, conservative dress codes. It is not changing anytime soon, and I think it should remain in place. I can’t imagine a female attorney coming before a judge with bare shoulders (mostly because jackets are required for any attorney at

He’s an attorney and can’t spell residence?