Does the guy closest to the net with the umbrella not know how shade works?
Does the guy closest to the net with the umbrella not know how shade works?
With something involving this much wild speculation, hearing someone say “this leaves no doubt” or “it’s very convincing evidence” you know you have left the realm of science or the actual study of history and entered into the world of self-aggrandizing hucksters trying to score some publicity and cash in. Scientists…
Wild animals in general aren’t shrinking violets and the tourist morons who treat them like circus animals deserve whatever happens to them.
“I’m deeply humbled but not enough to restrain myself from trying to score cheap political points based on the murder of thousands of innocent people, whom if I were around at the time I would have done everything I could to prevent from immigrating to the United States. But mostly the humility thing.”
Is there a tomato reference in the name two suns?
I appreciate your thoughtful responses and I hope you’re right but I think you’re assuming that politics still conform to the norms and expectations of the 1990's and 2000's. Which I don’t think they do. Trump has emboldened the Right to go bigger and more brazen in their lies and mendacity (helped along, crucially,…
Paul Ryan could knock out the major talking points and spin over coffee. It’s not hard. They have decades of experience putting one over on their constituencies.
That’s a fair point, but in your heart of hearts do you really think the election would have gone the other way if everyone had voted on election day? I would say no. I’m around the same macho, Western Fox-watching conservatives in Utah that you are in MT and some mouthy reporter getting roughed up a bit generates…
You make some valid points, which are well taken, but I largely disagree. With the passage of time until the midterms, and the time that gives the Right to craft lies and spin, I think that they will largely evade blame at the ballot box even if parts of their core get royally screwed. The swings in the special…
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about and how it pertains to my comment. I never mentioned reparations or social justice. My point was that the person making the point that, in 1776, he would not have been treated as a citizen because he was black was deliberately misunderstood by the person who…
They won’t care and the Limbaugh/Hannity/Infowars machine will kick in and create a fantasy world that their hardcore constituents and even moderate Republicans will be very easily convinced to believe in: It was somehow the Left/Obama’s fault; the system was broken and they just tried to fix it. Sacrifices had to…
“You also weren’t alive then. None of us were.
241 years ago the colonies declared their independence from England. It took 8 years of war and thousands of deaths on both side before they gained independence.
It will definitely, 100% pass the Senate in some form or other.
You’ve gotten this far into adult life and still think it’s “should of”?
I’ve had more productive conversations with people who were tripping on acid. You’re either incredibly dumb or a genius, it’s fascinating. I’m honestly fine with either.
Jesus, dude. How high are you right now? You gonna post another five responses?
Your comment may as well have been written in Chinese, I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. But I’m sure it was a sick burn, bro.
Yeah, it’s too bad we won’t be treated to two sweaty dudes rolling around on the ground with their legs wrapped around each other. That’s the real sport right there.