Connie Crapapple Milligan

I wonder if she grew tired of his Trumpism

Die hard trump supporters number around low 3o percent, if that. There is zero reason to court them when uniting the left and and convincing the moderates that this was a mistake can net the next election.

Well, they rigged the 2016 election by disenfranchising the poor and the POCs, so it’s only fair.

There are people in the UK who believe Boris Johnson is not a racist congenital idiot and would make an excellent Prime Minister, so that one’s easy to believe!

The thing is, it’s all well and good to point and laugh, but there are so many out there who will believe everything they say.

Yeah, they should remove the drop-down if it doesn’t take you to all the Dirt Bags which it does not.

He should be in prison for life. This person has no place in society.

Probably because people would notice that a child’s mother is missing...?

6.5 years doesn’t seem long enough for this shit if you ask me.

I do not like this new trend, now you have to open every article to find the dirt bag

A lot of the people in the list are white, yes. Of course, of the three artists named in the headline, one of them is a white American, one is a Serb, and one is black.

What’s new is white people not knuckling under to the SJW activists. All too often PoC try to shut down a debate by labeling a white person ‘racist.’

Protest away. Just know that the art still gets to be shown.

I can’t help but think banning someone for having painted a single controversial work is a bit much.

She’s a disgrace to the trans community, a terrible parent, and generally, a shitty, self-absorbed asshole. And I will not buy a single MAC Cosmetic product as long as they give her an endorsement deal.

The other day on my break I saw a car parked at walmart. AMERICA FIRST was plastered across the back window, flags on the bumper lid and pretty much a cornicopia of racist and xenophobic bumper stickers. “Do we really need a black man asking america for change? [Obama pictured here]”, “BUCK OFAMA”, “U.S. Illegal

Stanger is a POS.

what does it mean?? Is she going to eat the puppy????

Oh. Thank you, Mr. Ecks.

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