
Most parents probably wouldn’t know either. I have my patents the blanket “don’t buy movie tie-in games” when they look for stuff for my nephew.

The average non-gaming parent just see’s Minecraft 2, and thinks “Oh its that game my kid loves so much” and enters their password. If it were my kids, I wouldn’t have allowed it obviously. But my kids have enough games handed down from me to never be asking for more.

Who’s to say they didn’t? When a kid sees Minecraft 2 and asks the parents if it’s ok, why would they argue? They don’t know anything about Minecraft except that it’s safe, they trust Apple’s vetting standards, and the kid has $80 in iTunes gift cards he just got for Christmas (which the scammer may well have been

Well, I would guess that the majority of people who bought this are children, and it’s unfair to expect an eight-year-old to look for warning signs that this might be a scam.