Funny how a group can be swayed by a meme. But won't read a wonderful well written article like this one to get an education.
I hate people who are treating this as a “Either you die from COVID or you’re perfectly fine after a couple of weeks.”
“Well, if your friend hadn’t been out past curfew, maybe he wouldn’t have been shot.”
Following these Trumplodytes’ reasoning, if a person with a limp was killed by being run over by a car because they couldn’t get out of the way of the car because of said limp, they didn’t really die because of being run over by a car.
next: if someone is dying of cancer, then shooting them in the head should not count as murder, because that person was going to die anyway; similarly, if you get shot, and die say of blood loss, then also no murder
Someone get this article to Joe Rogan.
C’mon “Beth”. To believe what you are saying I would also have to believe that every medical examiner and coroner in the world is NOT an Illuminati lizard person. And that’s not a logical leap I’m mentally prepared to make.
But everyone knows the pandemic is a liberal hoax created to undermine the economy so the Emperor won’t get re-elected.
People who think that COVID isn’t that deadly can be reminded that AIDS doesn’t kill either — it just leaves the body in a position to die easily, and the world has no shortage of means to make that happen. Very few people die from COVID because of the exact same reason: it doesn’t kill you itself. It’s the mafia don…
“Did he die from getting hit by a bus, or did he die ‘having been hit by a bus’? Maybe the bus hitting him wouldn’t have killed him if he didn’t already have diabetes.”
A young, healthy person can still spread it to otherwise not young or healthy people who are far more likely to die from it.
Unrelated but I just watched TENET.
“We need to build warehouses to put these people into it and lock them away for the rest of their lives”
Thank god for these recaps...because this means that I could fast-forward through most of this episode, hitting what few highlights there were, without missing the “plot”. I never thought I’d get to see drag queens being so...boring. Although it did briefly numb my mind to Jimbo’s entirely unwarranted elimintation…
Whenever white guys qualify anything by saying they don’t “care about race,” they’re about to really really care about race.
Turkish people are trash. I’ve never met people more willing to line up behind autocrats
I don’t think I’ve been impressed my any material I’ve seen for this game. It looks like the Disney/Pixar’s Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer.
Have we forgotten to dismiss licensed games and be pleasantly surprised if they turn out good.