
What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?

For me (and it seems the original commentary), it’s not about word belonging to anyone. It’s about how it’s used in American vernacular.

I’m mostly concerned that these are just a start with the legalization of marijuana in my state.

Better diagnosis increases incidents, this isn’t the first disease to go this route (autism, depression, etc for examples). Estimates are at a minimum in the million range for Celiac’s, but true estimates show that real numbers could actually be closer to 10 million in the USA alone with proper diagnosis.

Twenty-five years ago, my husband would hug the toilet for a few hours each morning before he went to school, and he’d wonder why he broke out in itchy blisters all over his hands about once a month. Thirty years ago, my dad tried a dozen different diets to stop his migraines.

20 years ago, there were all sorts of ads on TV for IBS medications. Which is the most common misdiagnosis for celiac. Autoimmune disorders in general are on the rise, but no definite answer on whether it’s higher diagnosis rates or something new causing it.

So it’s the women’s fault that these assholes are harassing them?

I would like to remind everyone that if they see the right-wing bigots and trolls that will inevitably swarm the comments section that there’s a better alternative to dealing with them in addition to dismissing their comments. Simply go to the Kinja Helpdesk ( and send

You’ve got me there. Saw this comment and popped down to the local dispensary (where I saw the “Marlboro M” container). Turns out it’s a joke they mocked up based on this myth. I definitely feel suckered, but the thing is still funny.

Unions are good for families!

This picture looks like Incognito is forcing Sir Patrick Stewart to give him a blowjob.

It was probably a tie.

What’s the point..?

well cheating has less to do with the other person and lack of respect for that person and more about the person cheating. generally the desire to feel wanted. not defending his behavior, just saying the reasons for it are more nuanced than just “he doesn’t respect his wife”

Welp, I guess that’s it for acting. Time to look for human remains in Anthony Hopkins’ freezer.

“It’s $40 dollars which is pretty pricey for what looks like something you could get on your smart phone for free.”

$40 gets you a box, physical instruction manual, and physical game cart. None of which you get with a free smartphone game. Also, free smartphone games cannot be played on a Game Boy. If you don’t want to

I’m not sure a better story has ever been told that involves Melissa Etheridge.

I used to work security at concerts while in college back in the mid 90's, which was odd considering I’m not a big guy. It was me, my even smaller brother, and a few dozen huge fucking guys who played football at SU.

Hi Alan! I just wanted to thank you for doing this weekly desktop showcase. I always get so excited when Wednesday rolls around and I can change my desktop to something beautiful and refreshing. It’s a tiny thing that always makes the whole week better, so thanks. :)