
If it makes you feel any better, your job is far more sustainable.

I was being sarcastic. I don’t get most of these stupid internet memes and trends and I despise them with a passion.

Ta gueule!

suce mes boules!

4 other people according google.

This game is non-competitive, deal with it.

Except we don’t know that as a fact. Men and women aren’t just different in strength, that strength comes from differences in hormones, and those differences also affect how our brains develop in general. Men’s brains are generally better suited to some tasks while women’s to others, and whatever those differences are

because girls are scary and gross

i always love that kind of soft porn event. So many attention whore there, if you have a bit $$ you can find cheap escort girls there too.

Uncharted: Lost Legacy will bomb.

The cocaine addiction didn’t do Harry Potter any favors, it seems.

Not trying to be a party “pooper” but as cool as this looks. If this Bear would have hurt her in anyway it would have been punished with death. I’m just not sure pretending to be a game character is worth the possibility of you or the animal (or both) losing their lives. I guess nothing happened but many situations

This is what happens when you’re so cheap you don’t want to hire actual translators and rely to shitty Google translate. People don’t realise that translating requires a certain amount of skill and experience, and (for now) humans will always be better than robots.

The remastered port generation of gaming. Play all of last gen’s games but now remastered. That way we do less work and you suckers buy the games all over again.

Ach religions. World will be a sad place without your fairy tales.

Honestly there is not enough to this keyboard to warrant that price tag. The detachable cord is nice but everything this keyboard does, a Corsair Strafe or Corsair K70 does much better. One thing it’s missing is a USB passthrough, something that isn’t required, but at that pricetag should be included. Also the Romer

Why do all the characters look like they’re made out of playdough and wearing wigs made out of yarn? I still struggle to see the graphical improvements over SFIV in this game. I wish they’d admit Guilty Gear is doing it right and go back to the 2D style (even if it’s faked with 3D like Guilty Gear Xrd, because the

That is a terrible idea.