
What would you say if I told you that I know many many professionals who smoke quite heavily and they’re some of the most intelligent people you’ll meet?

Really? You couldn’t tell I’ll was a typo for ill?


That study has a major problem. It doesn’t account for the fact that we KNOW mental I’ll people abuse all drugs at higher rates than the general public.

Cannabis does not produce physical withdrawal symptoms. The most you can have is mental. That used to be called “dependent” but the distinction has been mostly lost and now people just refer to it as “addiction.”

Certain groups, like teens, also might be more susceptible to harm because their brains are still developing.

You can absolutely change the settings on the PSMove controllers so that you have smooth turning and locomotion. It was the first thing I changed when I started playing in VR. I hate the teleportation mechanic in VR.

Occam’s Razor. The simplest answer is usually the right one. For the rare occasion of zebras, yeah, it may be wrong. But, 99.9% of the time, it’s right.

McConnell did away with the 60 vote RULE for judge and justice confirmations. Why do you think the Democrats, if they win 3 seats (that’s a majority for them) wouldn’t do the same?

Yes she would be ‘de facto leader’ of the party, which will still likely be a minority party. So she still has no way to get the legislation passed without a 60 seat majority, which no one thinks is within the Dems grasp. So none of her plans are anything more than pandering.

But... Republicans and cable companies are also against municipalities building out their own ISPs.

As President? Because if she wants to do that, she can do it now. She is a Senator, you know those people who actually can write and pass legislation. As the President she has fuck all power to pass legislation.

I’m not sure how Washington works (or wherever his tax “home” is), but in NY, capital gains are taxed as ordinary income. So, in that respect, he and any worker are actually paying the same proportional rates (adjusted for income brackets).

People are extremely uneducated when it comes to taxes. I hear people ALL THE TIME saying, “Capital gains is wrong, I shouldn’t have to pay money on taxes twice.” It’s all I can do to stop myself from slamming their (or my) head into a wall.

Fair. I can tax nerd out with accountants as well.

I’ve come to learn, no one finds taxes as interesting as a tax attorney. But, I say my piece anyway, even if the effect is essentially screaming into the void.

As a tax attorney, let me show you (yet another reason) why the tax code is fucked up and capital gains taxes need to be raised to ordinary income rates.

We’re not in NYC, not by a long shot (though, definitely not rural either). We’re in a metro area of around a million.

Well... I can tell by the use of “ya’ll”, that you’re not a professional. At least, not one that should be taken seriously.