
Based on the demo and the deliberateness of the fighting sequence between Kratos and the Troll (reminded me of Dark Souls-ish fighting), I’m going to go with little to none. Which, frankly, sucks.

Spoken like someone who’s never tried VR. Every single person I’ve met that has tried VR is a believer. What we can say, with near certainty is, you’ve never tried VR.

Use that miter saw in conjunction with some other tools to craft a nice bow and arrow set. Give the deer a fighting chance.

Use that miter saw in conjunction with some other tools to craft a nice bow and arrow set. Give the deer a fighting

Nope. Under IRS Regulation 1.132-9(b) A-1 and A-2

Yeah... it’s that Patriarchy (TM) that results in women getting lesser sentences for the same crimes, always getting children in divorce, or if a man is accused of rape he’s guilty until proven innocent. Yep... a bastion for the Patriarchy (TM) if there ever was one.

You won’t be answered because Kristen Wong doesn’t like discussions that destroy the narrative, but you’re absolutely correct that the BLS report DID NOT take different jobs into account. The compared all lawyers or all doctors or all people. They did not break it down by specific job.

Overall... there’s your problem. Why don’t you ungrey and unhide my comment and let people discuss things on the merits? Are you worried that people might see that this is merely lying through statistics?

If anyone’s curious about how Gawker curates it’s discussion to suppress ideas for which it doesn’t agree: Read here.

Yeah... so I checked out that link. First off... try typing in “neurologist.” No such match. Try doctor. No such match.

Also, make sure to charge adequate interest (right now it’s 2.2%) or the IRS can impute interest. That sucks.

Not necessarily. Only if you’re a non-exempt worker under the FLSA. Basically, if you’re a “learned professional” (attorney, doctor, teacher, architect, management, etc....) you can’t get over time, even if they pay you less than the $47k.

Check out While I didn’t have any student loans, we used them to consolidate my wife’s undergrad and various graduate loans into one payment and significantly lowered the interest rate from the outrageous 6.55% the government was charging (well... Fannie Mae, so quasi-government).

Gee... it must be swell to have a job where you can just “go the fuck home.” Those of us in professional positions will get fired if we just “go the fuck home.”

As a tax attorney very familiar with IRS processes, hire a professional. We work with the IRS all the time and aren’t emotional about the process in the slightest.

Damnit, I literally bought stamps last Friday. Oh well, I suppose I will take the $0.40 hit. Still cheaper than UPS or FedEx.

That is a sure fire way to get audited. You’re required, under FBAR, to report all foreign accounts. If you don’t, there’s huge penalties.

I notice a lot of “me me me” from your comments. What about the rest of us? You keep saying “when I have a kid....” Do you know how much taxpayer money goes to kids? I don’t have kids, I don’t ever intend to have kids. Why should I have to pay for your kid? Why can’t you pay for your kid? I’m assuming you’d love a

You don’t have to worry, as a tax attorney married to a physician, there’s very few people in the US that will have higher incomes than we, in addition to ridiculous student loans. Bernie’s plan will save money over the long term. We get reduced health insurance premiums from my wife’s hospital due to her being a

This is a horrifically misleading article. At least, the article should have a bold OPINION appended to it. Speaking as a tax attorney, this is yellow journalism, actually, no, this is pure garbage. Journalism implies some form of integrity, this article has none.

I just have to add that, not only has the author not responded to my comment (but responded to others, not that I care, just observing), but my comment went from approved and black text to not approved and grayed out text.