Yeah, I know the truth hurts. Sometimes reality sucks.
Yeah, I know the truth hurts. Sometimes reality sucks.
When I worked at the Dept. of Labor, we provided a computer lab for unemployed people to use for job searches.
No, I have a TV and but I do hate parties. I prefer to hang out with my wife who I barely see.
I have space for it in a closet, yes.
Meatloaf? You mean the thing that’s $3 per pound and has a ton of breadcrumbs in it? The thing I made that’s like 4 pounds and probably has $7 worth of ingredients? That thing? Yeah, it’s completely affordable.
Nope. Sorry. I can actually pull my wife’s resident logs as she’s legally mandated to record her hours. She averaged 86 hours per week for the month of September, in flagrant violation of resident duty hour rules.
I have never met a person in my life who works 7 days a week, every week, forever. Perhaps in 3rd world countries with no labor laws, but not in the US. My wife generally works 6. She’s pulled 14 days in a row before. But she usually gets at least 1 day off.
If you live in an apartment, where I’d imagine most poor people live, I’m fairly certain (though I’d have to check) a working stove is a legal requirement. As I’d imagine a working refrigerator and freezer are as well. So that’s a) and b) checked off.
Really? $120 worth of meat? Try maybe $40. Maybe.
Pressure cooker is a sub for a pot on a stove. A bread maker can be bought for under $10 at a thrift store (which is where I got mine).
Really? Poor people are working more than 80 hours per week? I have a fair share of poor friends, as in below federal poverty line. In fact, I was one while in school. I call absolute BS on that statement.
I’m going to have to disagree on the whole “no time” thing.
We’re hoping it gets better as an attending-level doctor. Private practice, as opposed to those who remaining in the hospital, tend to only have to go in 5 days per week and work a bit more reasonable hours, probably putting in 50-60 hours a week instead of 70-90.
Not that I ever answer things in the middle of the night (the latest was like 10 pm, once), but I often wonder how people think it’s perfectly ok to expect answering emails after work.
Anonymity is a bit different than telling someone to their face that I make way more than they ever will.
Don’t get all butthurt because an MBA doesn’t teach critical thinking.
Of course I want more, who wouldn’t? I want a Tesla. I want a larger house. I want to own businesses. I want to help develop future technologies.
Now you’re stalking me? You’re fucked up. You need psychiatric help if some random person on the internet can get under your skin to such a degree.
Well, thank you for proving me right. That’s probably why you’re just an MBA.
Ask your doctor what residency was like.