Theres no fucking WAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
why would you throw your hat and then not make the call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theres no fucking WAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
why would you throw your hat and then not make the call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you guys may only be includinng in conference games here, but I would say MSU-Oregon on September 12th is definitely a Big Ten game worth watching.
Hitler did do coke
They have emissions test here. I really don't see a ton of shitty cars on the road here because of that. If there is something wrong with your car the test will find it, and you wont be able to get new registration. So I don't know what you're talking about. The cars on IL roadways are not even close to bad compared…
He didn't say segregation was non existent. He just said it is less segregated now then it used to be.
Don't lend Jay you car, like ever okay? okay.
They arn't a ton of fun for guys either FYI.
Why is it the CFP fault that you didn't watch as many bowl games between two random mediocre teams this year.
The fact that they are like a year late to the party, and don't really seem to get what it means doesn't help much either.
Yeah but there should be more than 2 legitimate options, with policies that are near identical.
In my 20's completely agree. The system is broken. I don't feel either party has mine or the average American citizens best interests at heart, and therefore voting seems pointless.
Completely agree. My room mates and I watch the feud when we come home from work every day. Awesome show. Steve Harvey is the man.
Right on, to each their own, the things you don't like about it are often the things I like about it. I think of it as kind of electronic metal, so I can see why it turns a lot of the lovey-vibes style house ravers off.
We're all entitled to our opinions. But your wrong about dub step.
Hate all you want. Going to phish show is fun as hell.
Trust me people in Michigan hate the U of M arrogance too. But who isn't proud of where they're from, and nostalgia always makes things look/taste better then it actually is. The media likes to shit on Michigan because of Detroit, it makes us natives a little defensive, but we just like to point out there is a lot of…
Shout out for Short's YEYE!!
Kalamazoo Beer exchange is awesome. I love that place.
It would also behoove them to include someone under 50 years old. Those are the people who say the games are too long, and they are also the people who are not watching the games because they are too long and boring.