
Oh come on. What the UALR AD said was a little pervy yes. But he thought he was having a private conversation with someone and got caught on a hot mic. Who hasn't oogled a member of the opposite sex with one of their friends. Guy got a bad deal.

What storylines from game of thrones do you even like? Stannis is an extremely important character and brings a ton of drama and intruige to the show. Plus we wouldn't get the red lady or the onion night without Stannis, which are also awesome characters. And Jon Snow is going to be the most important person in the

Why would he need a scandal to sell the team? Is there some rule that says you can only sell the team when league approved or something? It just seems like if he was trying to cash out he could have just sold the team without implicating himself as a racist. But I'm definitely clueless on the procedures to buy and

Minnesota at 9-7 and the Lions at 4-12. Usually I think your hilarious Drew, but you went to far with that joke of a prediction.

it can be when the name of it is referenced to a Native American mascot and it happened along time ago. You act like them putting trail of tears on a sign is the same as them saying lets restart the trail of tears. It's clearly a joke. We don't have to make everything into some PC agenda all the fucking time do we

More like pray that someday dead spin bloggers will understand what a joke is.

I don't think it's a bad bar either. I don't usually go on a GB or UW game day being a Lions and Spartans fan though.
(I now live about 3 blocks away)

You could not say that definitively before that game actually happened though. ND schedule that year looked good on paper. Truth they got obviously lucky a few times on their way to 12-0, but so do teams that win the championship almost every year. You;re crazy if you thought any one else should have been in the

the line about having to wait 10 whole years for his team to get back to the super bowl had me seeing red.

I have never agreed with a gawker article more than this one. I fucking love McD's Hi-C.

comparing body shaming to sexism racism and religious discrimination is wrong. Body shaming is not a real problem, just something that got made up on a feminist website on a slow news day. People die over sexism, racism, and religious discrimination, people don't die because they saw a skinny woman on a magazine.

I grew up in a small town. I thought America was the same country as the one I was told about in my history books. Please do not call me a fucking idiot for being optimistic about government being able to serve the public (aka: what they are supposed to be doing). Especially when I was actually agreeing with your

Well I took it the wrong way at first, but I assure you I am a very good reader (pretty sure I got a 32 out of 36 on ACT reading comprehension a few years ago, which probably doesn't mean shit, but what other merit of my reading skills do I have to go off of?) and by saying "the problem lies with whiteness" that

so proper reading comprehension makes me an idiot then? When you literally say and I quote "the problem lies with whiteness," it implies the problem lies with literally being white. So therefor I don't think I'm an idiot, sorry I didn't magically make the connection from "the problem lies with whiteness" to "the

Because as a white person, who did not live through most of and has had no part in this institutionalized racism. I do not like someone categorizing my entire race into hateful spiteful beings who just want to control everyone else, that's it. I understand that there are many things I get to take for granted as a

If they realize the cop was a racist and murdered someone why is he on paid leave right now. The proper way to handle it would be to say "we fucked up, one of our police men murdered someone and has been arrested and is sitting in jail awaiting a court date right now." Instead he is on paid vacation for killing a

but originally you did not say historical whiteness, you just said whiteness. So yeah, the way you originally wrote it does imply that all white people are bigots. I understand now, glad we got it cleared up.

Articulating yourself is a skill to. When you say "The problem lies with whiteness. The fear and need to control through coercion is a choice made by white culture." That means your saying all white people are scared of black people and want to control them. Especially the line where you say the problem lies with

point taken I'm wrong.

Intent doesnt matter though. If I accidentally murder someone cleaning my rifle I still murdered someone and go to jail for murder no matter how remoursful I am and how much of a mistake it was. Just because I wasn't intending to commit a crime does not mean I did not commit one.