Does Franzen take out his mouth guard, or wipe his nose?
Does Franzen take out his mouth guard, or wipe his nose?
Entertainment has value. Ever hear of movies, or music, or TV. All of which are extremely profitable and do the exact same thing as Drew does.
I also think they are really weird. The St. Louis part of the logo (in the logo's that include the city name) is a different font than the all cap's they are sporting now. Also there is no college games or high school games listed for the Edward Jones Dome in the future, so I'm not sure why they are so strange and…
Only place I've seen people offering free hugs is at fests and concerts. I always thought it was an Ecstacy thing. Seeing how this was San Fran, can't really rule it out.
competition is good for the consumer. Business 101
Pure gold +1
I'd give them Joe Haden for sure too. One of the best CB's in the NFL.
It actually was pretty crazy that it snowed as much as it did that night. Denver annually does not get as much snow as people would think. Most of it gets dumped out in the mountains thanks to pressure rises. It's the same reason Denver is rarely cloudy.
While I agree that Brady bitches more than those guys did. It's hard to say Brady was surrounded by more talent. Think about who his receivers have been, and what they have done after moving on to a new team. Besides his 1 year with Randy Moss, and his few years with Welker (who was just a shitty white guy WR before…
This is true, but the players also have to know going in that if they are on a top 10 team, probably 8 of them are going pro, and thats it, and out of those 8 probably 2 will last more than 1 to 2 years in the league, so your argument that they are going to school to try to make it pro while valid, cause every kid…
I wasn't trying to be racist there are thug's of every color out there. I just meant thug as a word to say someone who does not realize the opportunity they have been given. And hell yeah I am jealous I would love to have been gifted with a huge body or 4.3 40 speed and not be paying off student loans right now. I…
I agree that he is not a clean player, but I also think, because of his previous actions, and him trying to rip Jake Delhomme's head off in his 2nd preseason game ever that he is constantly being watched and judged more closely than others. Which honestly could be fair given his previous actions. He however has never…
I think he is suggesting fiery is a racist term. I'm just as confused as you though.
Ok I got carried away with the cushy job stuff, but everything else I said is fact. I'm not sure what about my comment puts me on a high horse. When employers see that their potential employee played D1 sports (especially football) it definitely gives the athlete an advantage getting the job.
no he hasn't hut anyone yet. People just like to call him dirty because he plays for detroit, home of thugs and crime and murder. Two of his fines were complete bullshit btw (fined for hitting Jay Cutler legally and hard on MNF, and I might be wrong but I think he was fined for hitting Schaub in the nuts with his foot…
How is it anyones fault but the althletes if they were given the opportunity to have a free education at world class facilities (or very good facilities) and they chose basket weaving as their degree. Also yes the average pharm grad is going to be 10x better off after graduation. But the average athlete who got a…
My sister ran track at Michigan as a walk on non scholarship athelete. Trust me if you play division 1 sports at a major school in a major conference (I think OSU applies to these) you are not starving and do not need to be clothed. She received 3 meals a day via the athletic department (aka food the general students…
What's this reference?
This guy made his career on saying shocking things, and being a weirdo, and now we're shocked that he is acting weird.
I would think so, but I'm biased towards MSU.