
Any team with an inch of competence could win the AFC East. You basically play the shittiest team in any other division 6 times a year. When is the last time the Bills or Dolphins have been a competent franchise. Also you lost to Mark Sanchez and a good defense in the playoffs twice. But yeah you domin8. You forgot

The NFL wasn't completely pussified back then though. You were still allowed to actually hit the QB, and if your arm inadvertently hit his head it wasn't a 15 yard penalty. Plus no one knew Brady was going to be a marquee NFL player back then so he didn't get his special treatment yet. Believe it or not when your QB

Mac is going to scale the facade to get to you now Chase. Only after dominating that cheater Dennis in a Pushup competition, and finding his way out of the Oliday Inn basement though.

I don't think it's a shot. I think he was just trying to promote a big game on ESPN. A big game that ESPN get a lot of viewers from and is in a favorable time slot whenever it's at the Big House. Everyone knows that UM-OSU is the biggest game on either of those two teams schedules. Truth is that UM-ND is probably at

You have no facts to back up your argument and are just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot. Every "rivalry" has swings where one team dominates the other for a while, but it usually comes back around in time. To say Michigan has manhandled ND these past few years is a huge stretch. I remember these

Yeah but the sad truth is no one out side of people who live in Michigan, or alumni gives 2 shits about MSU football. Even though they have a great stadium which gets extremely loud (Big House cannot compare in crowd noise) and an awesome tailgate scene. I would rather go to Spartan Stadium over the Big House any day.

God the lights was awesome. It was like "what they actually show highlights on a highlight show, instead of Tom Brady throwing 3 td passes on loop while Tim Hasselbeck and Matt Millen blather on about why he's so good even though Hasselbeck was a shitty QB and Matt Millen would probably have cut Tom Brady in favor of

Good argument with statistical back up. Can someone who has the power get this guy out of the pending approval section.

Ichiro is a class act, and one of my favorite players of all time (I'm a tigers fan so I have no reason to even like him). He plays to his strengths, knows his role, and is damn good at it. A true baller if I've ever seen one and I couldn't be happier for the guy. It's not his fault he was born in Japan and had the

There is no way for a 160 lb. db to bring down a 250 lb. battering ram like Stephen Jackson or Eddie Lacy by wrapping him at the waist. Either of those guys would lower their shoulders and absolutely bowl over the DB. I was an undersized Safety in High School (granted much different than the NFL, there are still 100

And when someone does lay another guy out with a perfect clean hard hit to the chest they get fined. I'm referring to Jon Bostic's hit on some San Diego Charger during the Bears Chargers preseason game earlier this week.

Exactly getting lower than your opponent is a fundamental of football. Whoever goes lowest has the leverage and is harder to bring down. How about we stop pretending professional football is safe, and let these guys play the game that they are getting paid millions of dollars for. Part of the reason they are paid so

Me too!! I'm trying not to get my hopes to high though, because last year my hopes were too high, and the results were just devastating.

John Fox took your team to a Super Bowl. Lets not forget that.

Soooo much asian booty in tight pants in this post. Anyone else doing boners?

You can do this in Detroit, you just might get stabbed during the walk to and from. (although Sundays when the Lions are at home is one of the few times Detroit is somewhat respectable) Also you will without a doubt be begged at by 1,000,000 bums. Also Chicago has the most bars per square mile in the country, although

Yes thank you, this is what I have been trying to say all day and everyone is saying we just need to pound it into their heads more that what there doing is wrong. It's just not something that most people need to be taught. I mean it's not like a rapist is like "oh man this girl is crying and punching me and I have to

Yes and how well does that propaganda work for things like drugs, drunk driving, and other social issues we do warn our kids about. Plenty of teenage kids do drugs and drive drunk every year and that is the most talked about thing in High school's across America. You can definitley say drunk driving is wrong AND is a

good point BlueNote. I never thought of it like that. It's still fun making fun of G&L because they give every movie that isn't an indie film a C or lower.

I admitted in a different thread that it was probably more around 90%. I don't know if they have these classes everywhere and maybe that is why I'm getting such bad feed back, but when I was in High School (04-08) in Michigan they require every student to take 2 semesters (1 sophomore year and 1 senior year) of Health