
True, and I admitted in a different thread that it was probably more around 90%. I don't know if they have these classes everywhere and maybe that is why I'm getting such bad feed back, but when I was in High School (04-08) in Michigan they require every student to take 2 semesters (1 sophomore year and 1 senior year)

OK #1 would have been easier to check if you had given the congressmen's name. Also he is very lucky if the women he harassed did not sue him, and cost him at least a ton of money, and I would hope the female public's outrage in his district was at least enough to not get him re-elected.

I think respecting the integrity of someones body prevents sexual violence, because what is sexual violence if not the disrespect for the integrity of someone else's body. So that's what I meant by body integrity. I didn't mean to say we should stop working to prevent rape from happening, and decrease the number of

I understand your points, and my 99.99% was way off, lets make it 80% of men know boundaries. I wouldn't know how any of those things personally feels except for public transportation because that happens to everyone including men every day, it's a small area with a lot of people, your going to get touched by things

I am not a troll (I realize that I know this is Jezebel and men are evil comment probably didn't help aye? My bad). I was trying to say that almost all men/teenage boys in America would not even think about doing what those kids did. I know the young men who did it knew it was wrong and they did it anyway and deserve

I understand that but I probably posted to late for my reply to be seen, as I said in a comment earlier that wasn't necessarily the point of the AP article, the writer here just saw a quote she could get a lot of page views out of and ran with it. The real article is about starting classes that teach kids how to use

How about we don't waste time with pointless education on body integrity and "hey guys rape is wrong" and just throw the sick fucks who decide it's okay to have sex with someone that doesn't want to in jail. I know this is Jezebel so men are evil or whatever, but believe it or not 99.99% of men/male teenagers around

How about we don't waste time with pointless education on body integrity and "hey guys rape is wrong" and just throw the sick fucks who decide it's okay to have sex with someone that doesn't want to in jail. I know this is Jezebel so men are evil or whatever, but believe it or not 99.99% of men/male teenagers around

You don't need to teach boys not to rape. Sorry some sick twisted kids in a rich entitled white suburb in Ohio whose parents were probably never around or seriously fucking failed are stupid, and probably a little mentally deranged. (must be something in the water around Stubenville for the amount of people who

How about we don't waste time with pointless education on body integrity and "hey guys rape is wrong" and just throw the sick fucks who decide it's okay to have sex with someone that doesn't want to in jail. I know this is Jezebel so men are evil or whatever, but believe it or not 99.99% of men/male teenagers around

How about we don't waste time with pointless education on body integrity and just throw the sick fucks who decide it's okay to have sex with someone that doesn't want to in jail. I know this is Jezebel so men are evil or whatever, but believe it or not 99.99% of men/male teenagers around this country know not to rape

Classic Grierson & Leitch. It tried to send a message, and even though I completely understood what it was trying to do and I totally got the subtext and underlying message. It just didn't do a good job of sending the message it wanted to.

Wow that flew right over my head. I see it now though.

I avoid the public section of Xbox live like it's a disease for that reason. Most of my FIFA experience is against people in the same room so I can't really say anything about that community in particular.

Who does Colombia have? I did not know they were supposed to be good? Have they been cleaning house in qualifiers or something?

Who does Colombia have that makes them so good? Have they just been cleaning up in WC qualifiers or something? Seriously I don't think I know one Colombian player? What are they doing at #3?

The sport is growing very quickly with America's youth. I don't think people even realize how much more the youth of America has adopted soccer than the elder generations. I think the USA hosting the World Cup in 96 has something to do with it. Didn't the USA have to meet a goal of setting up a certain amount of youth

I came from a rural area in the Northern Lower Penninsula of Michigan. One of the towns near me was a poor factory town. Peoples entire family's (like generations) live in that town, and some of them have never even been to Southern Michigan.

Was anyone else expecting these dunks to be way smoother, I know he plays soccer but the guy is world class athlete. I think it's cause he's struggling to palm the pall so he has to cradle it, it's probably why I think they look funny. Also the camera angle is too zoomed in for a good shot of his elevation.

People only make that comparison because they are both words born out of the slave era. Cracker obviously referring to the crack of the whip the white man used. I don't think they are anywhere near the same connotation though. Cracker had a meaning that was based in truth, while nigger (I'm pretty sure context is fine