
Honestly I kind of want Sanchez to succeed in New York this year because he has shown a ton of class and humility through out the shit show the media has made his career into. It probably helps him to stay grounded knowing that he is rich as hell and gets more pussy in a month than most men do in a year. Still it's

If you'll notice I didn't really comment on the trial at all. I pretty much said "don't necessarily believe what the mainstream media says about pot, and talked about my beliefs and experiences with it in my first comment. In my second comment I did comment and give my personal opinion saying Trayvon was probably up

Exactly what I was thinking, the guy is Hines Ward without any of the fanfare. An excellent blocker and possession receiver who will do anything to help the team win.

Alright well just because you use marijuana does not mean you don't have respect for authority or are a bad person is all I was trying to say, I understand that using an illegal substance implies that there is a lack of respect for authority. As I previously stated I agree with you that the kid was almost certainly up

While I agree that Trayvon was probably up to no good, and had no reason to be in the neighborhood at that time. Him having a marijuana history doesn't mean anything. It's just weed bro, when you smoke it or "have a history" you don't turn into a killer or a robber, it's just an illegal substance right now so it has a

I'm pretty sure Oregon has a team of people specifically hired to make sure players practice uniforms are washed right after practice, and I'm sure those lockers smell like fa breeze.

Yeah they plan to raise tuition's, because they know you'll pay it you want your shiny piece of paper to say (whatever) University on it.

Soccer is rad and very quickly growing in America, but hating football is about the most unamerican thing you can do. Also your FIFA over Madden argument is dumb because FIFA is played and sold all over the world, while Madden is pretty much only sold in the US. Also I don't understand why you have to choose one or

Abbott did play for the Angels from 89-92 and then again from 95-96. So it could be him.

Is this a Jim Abbot reference?

truth. There are still some that do their own DJ'ing though (Bassnectar), but I'll agree that most of the time when they act their doing something up there (unless they're on their laptop or you can actually hear them cross fading between two seperate songs) it's complete bullshit. Truth is they really couldn't make

So what? It's a fine to an individual player, not the team. Why do you care how much money James Harrison or Hines Ward made to play football on Sunday? Anyway I'll agree those fines were kind of bullshit though (I was drunk and bitter last night, and honestly didn't really even know what fines you were talking

A lot of informative stuff there and obviously I was wrong based these statistics (i was more just trying to say in my previous post that a losing team doesn't automatically equal shitty attendance), but I don't understand fans-per-win. Doesn't that pretty much automatically disqualify any good teams, as the

Where you going for that dubstep artists often DJ their live shows. Because dubstep really has nothing to do with spinning, and is made almost entirely on Digital audio workstations. DJ'ing however very much has to do with spinning tracks.

NFL just making up more arbitrary rules that don't actually have anything to do with the game. Just so when someone spikes the ball against Green Bay, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, NYG, Denver, or New England they can call a penalty and give them a free 15 yards and first down.

Now playing

Right because Pittsburgh is totally not one of the NFL's golden teams. Gimme a break dude, wahh Pittsburgh got fined once. Try being a Lions fan and watching your guy catch a TD pass in the last minute of a game and having it inexplicably called incomplete

Actually aside from the 0-16 and subsequent 2-14 seasons (when our star quarterback future of the team got injured for the whole year) the Lions consistently sell out, and they are pretty much the shittiest franchise in the NFL. So just cause the Saints (and a lot of other teams in the South East) have a shitty fan

Ha! I was just about to say he had to add Bears fans to that list, but you beat me to it. From experience I know this is true of the Lions in Ford Field that they all come from the burbs, but at least no one claims to actually be from Detroit there. Probably helps that the Lions played in Pontiac for so many years.

Don't you see, it won't become the catalyst until it's an entitled white kid.

I was wrong but so are you. Rewatch the play. You will see Clowney lined up between Lewan and their TE. Then as the play starts you will see the left side of Michigan crash towards the center. The fullback and pulling i believe RT coming over to clean out the front and lead block to the outside. So on this play the