

Nintendo’s discounts are laughably bad. They refuse to discount anything below $40 regardless of how old it is or how well it sold. I’d have more than 3 games for my Switch if their discounts weren’t so awful.

They overhired during the pandemic because revenue increased significantly during that period of time. When the market grows, more people get hired. When the market shrinks, more people get laid off.

“yeah, but that one went ‘din din din dinni luke plunkett’, and this one goes ‘din din din dinni zack zwiezen’. that little bitty change, it’s not the same” 

Are we pretending that this isn’t an industry-wide trend currently affecting both independent studios and acquired studios..? Riot laid off 530 people. Epic laid off 830 people. CDPR laid off 9% of its staff. Mimimi, Lince Works and Fntastic shut down entirely.

Everything on social media is embarrassing to watch these days, from hobby communities to politics.

It seems like everybody is just miserable and ready to fight about everything, even if they have no idea what they’re talking about or if said thing can be ignored with zero real affect to their or anybody else’s

As a developer that went to art school, I find the AI future sort of terrifying and depressing. Both my own livelihood and that of my friends that stuck with art are existentially threatened.

…you refused internet in your apartment complex?

Not yet, no. Give it 5 years of iteration and it will sound convincing. Also, who is to say that this is going to replace handcrafted dialogues. This tech is utterly pointless for entire genres of games. But for certain open world games this sounds like a pretty cool thing to have. 

Meaning can be derived from dynamic and emergent sources. For example, the wacky AI in Oblivion created all sorts of memorable (and hilarious) moments for me. Those moments are what gave an otherwise generic and forgettable game meaning to me. To claim that AI-generated dialogue will never be able to create such

Tell me you don’t have anything to say without telling me you don’t have anything to say.

He is insane. Read the other thread he is in. I can’t imagine going through life with such a weird distorted view on things.

At this point, you’ve clearly given up any pretense of presenting a cogent argument so not much point in continuing. It was fun while it lasted, though.

In all honesty, you sound insane.

Did she say that she wants to eradicate an entire group of people? Did she say she hates them? Did she say she condones their genocide?

84 is not “very high”, especially for a game with a budget of $150 million. Baldur’s Gate 3's 96 is very high. To put it in golf terms, 84 is par.

Correct. The statement is true regardless.

What can I say, it’s fun to troll fascists.

Oh boy. So now you’re claiming that the last 30 days of data are irrelevant and that only data from the last 24 hours matters? If so, I think we’re done here.