
I think it was heavily implied she didn’t want much beyond his attention, to which Cloud didn’t give much, which in turn made her try even more. Wedge even makes a point to tell Cloud that it’s just a game to her.

Yeah y’all need to get out more for sure

Shipping culture and waifu culture are two sides of the same profoundly toxic coin.

He’s not wrong.

A socially inept weirdo who lives vicariously though fictitious relationships they’ve concocted in their heads, usually in the form of bad fan art and poorly written fan fiction, some going so far as to insist their head canon is real.

Knowing this now, these shippers could not be more cringe.

It was pretty blatantly a joke given that he said it was “going to be a musical” gotta love that news outlets got to milk a single joke for two articles though.

The interest in the Halo IP wasn’t because Bungie logo wasn’t on to box, it was because the studio taking over wasn’t up to snuff among other things.

This the average consumer doesn’t care, or even know the developers of a game are.

This review barely has any focus on the differences between game versions, which is kind of a waste since we can just read the general reviews from four years ago.

Some people paid extra to get to play it a few days early!

Any news on them patching fun into the game? Was surprised to see it didn’t make the cut at launch :~) 

His segments are easily the best part of the new season. Dude shares a one bedroom apartment with his mother AND a collection of extremely smelly pets then wonders why he isn’t getting laid.

The only place season 1 dropped the ball were the complete lack of actual clickers. It was a legitimate complaint that got drowned out by the usual trolls. Kathleen’s introduction and exit seemed tacked on and utterly pointless too.

So the unbiased journalists they let demo the game this week didn’t like it, and now they’re hoping to muddy the waters by letting the players they gave access in November post about it. I’m not sure who the Nov group was, but I’m guessing it included people/non-professionals who are likely to be favorable to

We adapt.

Most people don’t want wild colored shit in their living rooms. End of story.

Speaking as someone who bought a Dreamcast in college just for Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure, Heroes wasn’t underrated.  It’s as exactly as mediocre as it’s average Metacritic score would lead you to believe.  I think the only thing it really has going for it today is that so many worse Sonic games have come out

That idiot really had everything going for her, all the breaks, everyone at Lucasfilm being super accommodating into making her a thing despite her mediocre acting and charisma, and lol talk about making completely unnecessary unforced errors just to score social media culture warrior points. What a dummy.

Not interested in a Star Wars movie where I have to watch those TV series first.