
I’m sorry but this post is embarrassing Kotaku. All of the “sources” are Youtubers and Twitter posts. There’s only one link to an official EA site. There’s one link to a article (lol) that cites a reddit post (double lol). And one link to a Best Buy store page....

websites reporting on this is sure to lower her profile..

To be fair, there’s a point to be made for teaching kids moderation.  I love playing games, but I also set limits and make sure I’m still getting enough exercise and rest.  If there comes a point where a kid is spending every spare second in front of a game, they probably should be encouraged to take a break.

Right? Sitting around playing Tetris all day isn’t any better than endlessly mocking people for enjoying things.

>Just fucking live and don’t hurt anyone. Nothing else.

If that’s the case, count me out. I’ve long grown tired of buying Nintendo’s hardware just to play their games, which rarely drop in price even years after release. At least PS5, Xbox, and PC titles go on sale pretty regularly.

Wait, are you all suggesting that online popularity contests *aren’t* a good means of judging actual merit?


When I saw the Starfield award on Steam I just assumed it was the community mobbing the vote to be an ironic joke. As in Starfield feels like the least innovative game of the year.

I think we should stop calling the Steam Deck a mini PC. It’s a portable console with PC capabilities, not the other way around. If you want more of a PC experience, there are competitors out there, like the Asus Ally. I have never used the Steam Deck’s PC mode and I’ve owned it for almost 2 years, I only use it as a

The Outer Worlds is a funny, memorable game. It’s not a big open world game like Skyrim though.

I can’t wait for us to get past this whole point. It isn’t going anywhere and won’t be regulated away. I still remember how up in arms everyone one was about how digital art was going to ruin the entire industry. A decade or two from now & an article like this will seem even sillier than it currently does. Adapt or

The Steam Deck is easily my favorite video game related purchase in a long time.

Not true. Uncharted was just “Lara Croft 2: Now With Cock.”  I don’t deal in grand generalities.

He makes movies that are fun to watch, and that’s it.

If there’s one think that one annoying aunt in the 80s and 90s and Kotaku have in common is that they love an unnecessary slide show.

I’m as anti-prison as you can get when it comes to anything short of violent crimes but even then I believe in rehabilitation over incarceration. However, I’m already seeing takes like “he’s just a hacker, he didn’t hurt anyone” which is absolutely the most braindead take I could have imagined.

Absolutely no need for this to be a slideshow. 

Bethesda: “Remember that game you spent over $70 on at the beginning of September 2023, we’re going to finally send out the finished version sometime in 2024.

“You reap what you sow”, dude what? The developers are doing their jobs and they aren’t prepared to show anything yet. As others have commented, do you expect to see dailys from a movie still in development before a trailer comes out? What the hell is this take lmao it’s 110% bullshit