
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

You’re on, not r/kotakuinaction, you incel chud.

The only place season 1 dropped the ball were the complete lack of actual clickers. It was a legitimate complaint that got drowned out by the usual trolls. Kathleen’s introduction and exit seemed tacked on and utterly pointless too.

Right? Sitting around playing Tetris all day isn’t any better than endlessly mocking people for enjoying things.

If that’s the case, count me out. I’ve long grown tired of buying Nintendo’s hardware just to play their games, which rarely drop in price even years after release. At least PS5, Xbox, and PC titles go on sale pretty regularly.

Steam users and trolling. Name a more iconic duo.

Translation: We’re trying to implement AI tools as quickly as possible so we can eliminate as many of your jobs as we can.

I mean, it is just a tool..... A tool that companies will gladly utilize to eliminate jobs, wages, and benefits and increase their bottom line.

I hate that you’re probably right... but you’re right.

Bethesda couldn’t write an engaging story if they tried. It’s always an afterthought. They focus on world design first, then write stories around it to explain things.

Yep. This game might be worth playing in a few years after it’s been “fixed” by people not employed at Bethesda, at a steeply discounted price. Until then, there’s way more than enough games to play. Glad I didn’t buy into the pre-release nonsense that was churned out for this game and piss away $70.

I don’t think anyone “admires” a corporation, but do go off Bobby.

People like him are why developers hate gamers (but will never say it publicly). Honestly, the worst part of the job (besides the unpaid overtime and job insecurity) is having to engage, humor, and placate millions of giant manbabies like this little shit.

Gotta move out of mommy’s basement first.

I’d wager it’s serious. It reads like your average r/gaming or IGN user. What a fucking pissbaby man child.

Part of it is, sure. But the other part is that, at least on some level, they’re aware that the policies and politicians that they’re backing and putting into power could eventually usher in societal collapse, and figure since they have more money than any reasonable person could spend in a hundred lifetimes, may as

But the data about upcoming titles and roadmaps like Wolverine is well deserving to get leaked.

You’re the most pathetic Zuck apologist I’ve ever encountered in the wild. You’re all over these boards stanning for the guy.

I don’t know the guy so it’s impossible to say

What do these sociopaths think will happen if society collapses? Yes, they’ll outlast most people, but they’ll still be faced with the reality that the world in which they built their fortune no longer exists. Their money won’t mean anything anymore. It won’t have any value. Food will eventually run out. They will