Literally didn’t even know this was a thing in development.
Literally didn’t even know this was a thing in development.
My wife didn’t believe me when she caught me doing it and asked why. I didn’t have a good answer, but I told her I wasn’t the only one.
I’m sure it was neat to attend in person when it was crazy big. The booths and exhibits themselves would’ve been worth seeing.
Trade shows are always about products, not people.
Does this game have a physical copy?? I really want to buy it, but I hate buying digital for anything that isn’t on Steam.
Disney is too busy bending DeStantis over the table and ramming Mickey’s magic broomstick up his ass.
Style’s cool and visually interesting, but I don’t think I could play it long term. Something about it is making me motion sick watching. Don’t know if it’s the black and white color scheme or what, but whatever the case, I’ve played my fair share of shooters and have never experienced an issue like I did watching…
GDC is mostly for developers trading cool things they did, and yeah there’s some professional networking that happens there
It was still very relevant as a way for industry professionals to meet, collaborate, make deals, network etc etc.
They tried that back in 08' and people hated it.
E3 has been irrelevant for years. I’d argue it died when they opened it to the general public. At that point, it became just another convention in a long list of conventions.
Social media has given every narcissistic moron with access to a computer or a phone a megaphone, and we’re all dumber and worse off for it.
Vaping: a guide on how to make smoking look even more stupid and lame.
My pearls!
The show doesn’t even need to exist. The entire idea of an awards show at all is beyond dated (and that goes for things like the Oscars, etc.). The game industry has been eclipsing film in annual revenue for over two decades. Nobody needs to “prove” that games are profitable.... that ship sailed years ago.
My question is why do people still watch awards shows? There’s absolutely nothing of note that couldn’t be read post presentation that warrants wasting several hours of my evening seeing this live (I suspect that’s why they started giving away Decks, as a cheap ploy to attract viewers). I haven’t watched the VGAs in…
The problem is that social media culture in general is already too stupid to parody.
No, it isn’t. GTA V was the fastest selling piece of entertainment to reach $1 billion in sales, but it’s hardly the most lucrative.
If Arkham Knight portable is what you want, than the Deck is the way to go. It runs very well maxed out.
Like anything, it’ll all come down to writing. They’ve clearly nailed the look, and I’m surprised how little they’ve deviated from the art direction established in the games (which is really cool). Music choice in the trailer was spot on as well.