I definitely recommend the OpenFirmware/EFI password (though I don't recall it requiring a password to boot of the normal boot disk, could be wrong though). Just keep in mind that someone can still remove that password fairly easily...
I definitely recommend the OpenFirmware/EFI password (though I don't recall it requiring a password to boot of the normal boot disk, could be wrong though). Just keep in mind that someone can still remove that password fairly easily...
I also think the MacHeist bundle is lacking this time around. (And if I remember right, there's no charity involved this time, either.) What really makes the MacUpdate bundle decent this time around is the inclusion of Parallels.
@kvasi: Agreed. In the end, he's just gaming the system. But I really wish more people would realize this and stop linking to his videos.
Leafy, I actually did something similar, though with a custom icon:
@ subtle: boandmichele has one option. Another nice thing about multiple desktops is keeping collections of apps together in one space. On my Mac (formerly using VirtueDesktops, now Spaces... though if anyone knows how to get the transitions from VirtueDesktops into spaces, I'd love to know) I have one for…
Why not, I'll jump on the theft vs copyright infringement discussion here as well. But first:
For the quicksilver folks...
It's nice to have a simply GUI to take care of all these defaults commands. Though I can't say I really see anything new. Now that isn't to say that this isn't am immensely welcome pref pane. I'm glad all these tweaks are stored in one simple, searchable database.
For film and video editing, two monitors are a must (three if you include the broadcast/client monitor).
You don't need to copy the Screen Sharing app to get access to it. Just use the connect to server command you used in the FTP section, but use vnc://backtomymac.selfip.com and it will launch Screen Sharing automatically.
If you're on a Mac, I highly recommend Code Poetry's Password Assistant, which actually does nothing more than bring up the password assistant window on its own rather than through the password dialog in the accounts pref pane. It's very handy.
Just a question about the use of scanned PDFs.
And unfortunately for us, our kitchen is on the north end of the house in an urban area (read: next door neighbors are 5-6 feet away.) So unless we decide to keep our mini herb garden in our living room, this probably won't work.
Regarding the picture in the article... Why would you mount the panel to the wall only 12-14" above a component cabinet? If you're going through all that trouble, why don't you go the extra few yards and find a good place to keep/hide the home theater components as well?
Since I'm technically freelance in a come and go field (film/video post production) I'm a little concerned about the workload slowing down in a recession.
My favorite? "Not Recently Heard Good Music"