
You’re talking about the case ruled on in 2014 that directly led to the 2015 Net Neutrality provisions being put into effect which are now being overturned?

What did I just tell you? The FCC forcibly enforced Net Neutrality long before Title II was even conceived. I even provided links.

Do you have any indication that the law was being violated? If so, please highlight the offending party so that we may file a complaint and start an investigation while the law is still in effect.

Wait, you mean you haven’t noticed a change since the rules that haven’t gone into effect yet haven’t been implemented?

Did you read the article? It very clearly states that the rule hasn’t gone into effect yet, and the Senate will have 60 days to override the ruling.

It’s not much better when you’re reading the desktop version and all of a sudden the paragraph you were reading scrolls up above the top of the browser window because the auto-play video that you scrolled past auto-hid when it was done playing......

Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

So install an ad blocker and whitelist the sites you visit regularly. If any of them display the kinds of ads you don’t like, remove them from your whitelist.

This sums up what you fell for.

Oh look a meme insult. When you got nothing, resort to stupid.

You are completely and utterly living in another reality. Trump is a nightmare. HRC would NEVER have banned transgendered from serving, never would have shit on the 1st Amenenment, shamelessly hold rallies on tax payer dime, never ban Muslims, never remove climate change from EPA, never fill her cabinet with such

She did change her stance. People are nuanced. You are being ridiculous if you think, LGBTQ would not have faired much better with her as commander in chief. If you did not vote for her, then YOU, not Dems or HRC sold out immigrants, women, LGBTQ, minorities etc for a FALSE sense of righteousness. She was the best

Sad and delusional is villainizing a woman who was/is a middle of the road politician much like Obama? Like no difference between the two. So was Obama the same as Orange Hitler or do you maybe have some bias against HRC? Then again Orange Hitler does ring the populist bell so appealing to the far left.

You do realize she did change, yes? I mean Sanders thinks lady issues and minority issues are a distraction. But Dude is no Trump. Neither candidate is perfect, but my God, why do Berners scorch earth against anyone not Bernie Sanders. It is the villainizing of Dems by both the right and far left that made Trump

Why are you trying to demoralize someone based off the politics of 20+ years ago? Yes, it would be great if everyone had always been supporters of gay marriage, but that’s obviously not the case as it just happened less than two years ago. Can we please focus on homophobes of the present, as there are many?

She shut down the Clinton Foundation last year since dumbfucks like you hated the fact they were helping to prevent AIDS around the world with rich people’s money. Get a clue, shitwit.

This is Trumper level troll. Do you have the one where she fainted too? What about her pizza child sex ring???

It’s because of her vagina. I wish it were more complicated.

Aw fake bullshit propaganda. How nice to be a Russian troll. Tell Jill I said hi.

As soon as I saw Hillary’s tweet about it, I immediately followed. I don’t have any fantasies that it will be effective in countering the dullard nonsense that Fox/Bleetbard puts out (they’re the masters of bullshit soundbites). But I do expect it to annoy the fuck out of Trump and Trump lovers.