congressional lemon party

There was a story I heard, NPR I think or a podcast, anyway, 3-4 catholic siblings: one was being molested by the priest, told the parents, and the parents continued to send all their kids to this priest...

god, these poor women’s lives are so awful that guys like THIS are an attractive option to get out of their terrible situations...

he had to “fend off other women”

if you’re a POC (usually kids) walking around the ‘hood with a backpack, god help you on Nextdoor...

The Go Bayside podcast is much better than ZMIT - comedian April Richardson and other comedians/funny/entertainment folks watch all eps of SBTB (post Ms. Bliss eps) then talk about the absurdities of the show.


erhaps Trump should get some heeled Cuban booties like lil’ Marco

they say the same thing about women who enjoy music and going to shows.

or is a man on their team going to scream in their face, or never pass them the ball after their first mistake?

my MIL played co-ed softball many years ago and some raging asshole dude KNOCKED HER FRONT TEETH OUT during a play - her teeth have been fucked up ever since.

“public education is a failure - and we’ll prove it by de-funding it so that there are no resources for success” and the dumb dumbs they failed to educate will vote to keep them in power. rinse and repeat.

*least expressive

the one’s who talk about “vulgar language” and “incivility” when they voted for President “grab them by the pussy” and “shit hole counties” (and worse!)...

Kardashian show cast from most expressive to leave expressive:

why are the people WITH the guns riding in armored vehicles?

amazing that someone with so little expression and monotone delivery studied theater arts

looks like she is wearing the ugly curtains in the Oval Office:

someone who directed horror “In order to scare me for this horror movie scene...”

someone who directed horror “In order to scare me for this horror movie scene...” 

Dear Canada,