congressional lemon party

for comparison, this thing costs $42 million

he made it easy being the only one pictured wearing socks!

found him

perhaps that’s were the wee Schwandt was conceived... 

This whole name is terrible: Finley Sheboygan Schwandt

“unless you pull a Duggar and make the older kids work in drudgery raising the younger ones until they get married and leave.”

I saw a vehicle stop at a stop sign (next to a bus stop with trash can), folks opened their door, and put a bag of fast food trash in the road (I was walking my dog as they passed me and they did it right in front me me); another time I was walking my dog in the middle of the day in my ‘hood, as the vehicle passed

Right, many many weddings do not have a religious element. Marriage is a civil event. The religious parts, if any, is individual.

“he is imposing his christian beliefs on others - how is that legal”

“A wedding is an inherently religious event,...”

I take sugar and olive oil (jojoba mixed in if I have any), mix up, and that is my body scrub.

I take sugar and olive oil (jojoba mixed in if I have any), mix up, and that is my body scrub.

right, they aren’t hiring street urchins for these gigs LOL

Roseanne will prob just pick up a gig on NRA-TV

and then he can criticize Ina for being a terrible, absent wife of Jeffery (who is really the absent husband since he travels globally for work)

I’m confused by this letter: it starts off sounding like Trump is bailing on the summit and blaming Un, then makes it sound like it was Un’s decision not to have the summit and is like “let me know if you change your mind”. WTF

who cares about brain damage and domestic violence, kneeling during the anthem is the real problem!

“Respect the troops...until we have to overthrow the government”

well the DoD pays the NFL to play it and put on nationalistic military parades during pre game so...

LOL Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution

that guy doesn’t spend time cooking in those restaurants....