congressional lemon party

Do they also require doctors to report pregnancy and birthing complications to the government?

“Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes (Hey!)“- t swift

Also, who is going to stop and perform CPR on a bleeding person when THEY ARE ALSO RUNNING FROM A GUNMAN?

But, really, that particular hypocrisy is the least offensive part of this story.

Thanks for replying. I was afraid to try to do at home peels, so I went to an esthetician. I like her and the peel (lactic/intro peel - my 1st ever) was nice, but not mind blowing (and yes they are pricey). I did get a series of them and I think she will level up on the acid she uses. I can tell that she wants to sell

Thanks for replying. I was afraid to try to do at home peels, so I went to an esthetician. I like her and the peel

DJT’s dick

has anyone tried Bumble BFF friend match? I’m lonely for friends and getting desperate...

The worst weddings I’ve attended:

how are you doing with the retinol? I am interested in possibly starting it (I have used drug store products that say they have retinol in them but if they do it’s very mild).

how are you doing with the retinol? I am interested in possibly starting it (I have used drug store products that

does anyone have an experience with medical grade laser skin treatments? medical grade peels, etc? done in office setting - thanks!

does anyone have an experience with medical grade laser skin treatments? medical grade peels, etc? done in office

yep they’re all doing it 


I was just going to say many older/non-millennials have split over money issues...

lung cancer awareness, for the lady smokers...

yeah, I’ve had “good” scotch - I’ll stick to bourbon, thanks.

well you’re not happy or fun, dad /s

Skip the scotch and just chew the gum...

Same here