congressional lemon party

yeah, no food (gotta stay thin) and hardly any money (or paid in clothes/favors that doesn’t pay rent) also gotta be willing to F the photog - sounds like a great career...

same with the cosmetic “anti aging” products marketed to 30+ women but the model is 20...

Riiiiiiiiight “If you’ve got a $20 million Revlon contract weighing in the balance ... yet you know Terry is abusing these girls, what do we do? Do we say no to Terry? No, [we] don’t.”

I guess if they they named the class Sex Scenes with James Franco it would be too obvious...

The question they should be asking is why did the U.S. Olympic Committee,
USAG, MSU, coaches, trainers, and parents look the other way while it was happening?

the Karolyi’s are abusive monsters in their own rights.

I mean if you really want to go there, the Olympics is just one big ol’ pot of various types of abuse and mental illness: drug abuse, sex abuse, eating disorders, etc...

just look at him

so they shouldn’t report on her sudden death because...???

Really - for revealing serious crimes that will never be prosecuted?

but...but why??????????

she should have barfed up the lobster roll when he started doing that shit...

Ironically he campaigned on this country being a shit hole with the whole “make america great again

Ironically he campaigned on this country being a shit hole with the whole “make america great again

LOL “If Plummer acted as well as he wrote that sentence, he’d be doing dinner theater in Stouffville”

If Charlize Theron pulled a similar move, the reaction would be to praise the shrewdness of the move and her use of her power.

7 colleges/universities!