congressional lemon party

Some ppl like to jerk it in public, what’s wrong with that?

Piv the Perv has a nice right to it...

I attended a gay wedding of Quaker, log cabin republicans- it was weird (silent wedding ceremony)

Bipolar/Manic Depression and bouts of tuberculosis

So far, the series has mostly sidestepped her absence. In the first episode, James’ character received a letter from her gym saying they’ve missed her.

When I said people who are not in the 1% who vote GOP are voting against their own interest, that same person told me that it was divisive to SAY people vote against their own interests (to say “who I am to determine what their interests are?”): I argue that GOP policies are divisive and supporting a party based on 1

looks like he and John Travolting share a barber

Gremlins (horror holiday/xmas)

Someone here told me why their 80 yo grandma is a 1 issue party line voter: voting against abortion cause she wants to go to heaven and against healthcare cause she is 80 and has lived her life.

The GOP’s interest in their voters goes as far as getting elected. The rest of the time they are focused on who is lining their pockets and ways to keep more of their money and the 1%’s money who own them and their interests. That is not the voters’ interest, their interests are: “build that wall”, “no abortions”,

The only real “interests” the GOP seems to have is their own financial gain at the expense of anyone who isn’t a 1% - they serve the 1%. They talk about god, guns, abortions, healthcare, illegals, and terrorists to rile up their base (non-1%-ers) and it works in their favor (“winning” elections), but not in their

to her defense (and the person who shared the emails if they’re real/true): these don’t seem like unreasonable tasks to ask someone being paid to do them to do. IMO it doesn’t put SJP in a bad light. The taco meat part is just funny.

it’s amazing that Taco Bell managed to avoid this fate with their mystery meat...

Anyone who isn’t a millionaire, 1%-er who is voting for GOP candidates is voting against their own interests.

Anyone who isn’t a millionaire, 1%-er who is voting for GOP candidates is voting against their own interests.

Yet Clinton won the popular vote by over 2 million so...the Electoral College failed in their job to not elect a tyrant as President. Out of 25 candidates running (17 GOP, 6 Dems, 2 other), the absolute worst one of the bunch was elected: 

Trump violates Twitter user terms of service/rules on a daily basis: bullying, trolling, threatening murder (via nuclear war with NK) and Twitter has done nothing about it.