congressional lemon party

Sbux spelled my friend Gerald’s name as Jarold

Recovering from and ready to be stroked

ETA: *Title IX

it’s ok if we lose out on 400 jobs. HB2 will definitely create jobs: someone has to check the birth certificates and genitals of all those using public restrooms to protect the women and children!

hopefully these companies will start funding Roy Cooper’s campaign.

and lose billions in federal funding for Title X education and Dept of Transportation.

a pack of parliaments a day will do that

as a model, she probably had very little say about what hair/makeup decisions were being made for her by people running the the editorials/runways.

I don’t know, maybe highlighting that various media outlets are writing “poor unfortunate athlete got caught raping, punished, potential sport career ruined” rather than “bad rapist rapes, caught, punished for being bad raping rapist”. These stories seem to empathize with and show the rapist as sympathetic rather than

Got away till middle school, they we collided again, but I went mostly unnoticed by him by then. By that time, another round of even worse bullies cropped up to replace him.

While in daycare/pre-k a boy there terrorized me daily with threats to cut my head off, blow up/flatten the building, etc. My dad worked really close by (I could see the building from where I was) and I would reply to this boy that I would just go to my dad’s work (and I oft wondered why I was there being subjected to

“I don’t need to be inventing new reasons for prospective employers to resist me.”

parents are miraculous creatures: the only living martyrs

“That said, just how challenged Rosemary actually was is debatable. Her early diary entries show a person who was reasonably intelligent if not a bit simple.”

pretty sure they stopped teaching civics in schools years ago and basic human decency was never taught at home (“barbarism begins at home”).

Yes, they’re violent toward humans/their captors when being help captive in bacteria filled swimming pools rather than living in the wild, vast oceans where their “violent” encounters with humans would be limited to humans entering their natural environment/territory to fuck with them.

the chipped tooth is in solidarity with all the people who have been sucker punched at his rallies.

So of all the campaign hot topics used to pander for votes and/or major societal issues, including, but not limited to: jobs, economy, crumbling infrastructure, lead poisoned schools, homelessness, mentally ill, VA, health care, welfare, civil/equal rights, immigration, fracking, god, guns, gays - these morons think