congressional lemon party

Tanner Shane Shipman, 18, Chase Denton Smith, 16, and Sage Griffen Gandenberger, 17, all face three counts; Hunter Oren Matthews, 17, faces one count.

to be fair, they’ll need their heads examined either way due to the lead poisoning /rim shot

i hope it remains so, but special interests, politicians and those they pander to are actively working to reverse the laws/rights.

look at where they’re trying to make it illegal - many US states are trying to do that very thing.

no more idiotic than your “brown people” assertion

poor socks the cat

i would say it has more to do with catholics and other extremely conservative religious than brown folks.

why do while male conservative republican evangelicals hate women?

samsies. net results = less friendsies

I’d like to meet people in the city I have lived in for 10+ years. All other friends have got kids now (or will soon), so we never see them, and/or have awful spouse that makes spending time with them less enjoyable...

VINA is for IRL friends, not virtual internet ones

Surgical masks aren’t filtered like gas masks - they contain your germs from speading less to others. It ain’t gonna protect you from contaminated air.

i don’t he should run cause he looks like a victim of dioxin poisoning

fuck thoughts and prayers for flint - just DO something! #godinstfixingthis

get it ‘retha!

or alternatively, you could stop reading about them

lots of hospitals (most? ) are backed by one religious organization or another.

no kids, just a dog that “eliminates” outside

they’re probably hand fed early on to train them to trust their owners and further domesticate them (as much as they can be).