congressional lemon party

She is not fat by normal people standards, but by Hollywood standards, she is considered fat.

This is what you get with de-regulation, lack of oversight, gutting the EPA and “big government” - that and they just don’t care: a few deaths to save a few $ (i.e. being fiscally conservative) is no skin off their backs especially when nothing will happen to these corrupt politicians. Hell, they’ll be re-elected in

i thought the rules for moms was when the baby napped, you got to catch up on chores and showers...

then these empty walmart buildings blight the area they were built in - leaving vast empty asphalt lots and derelict buildings in their wake.

Bowie described her as such:

or stand so his balls are more comfy

fuck that manspreading asshole

yeah dude, women also don’t want to be slaves to clueless men and invasive government intervention of our legal medical choices and procedures.

this coulda been Auburn, my memory is fuzzy on the exact location - it was in a church, don’t remember which one (very likely Baptist). I do remember whose wedding it was for (someone i went to HS with).

this was in Opelika, AL probably 15 years ago...

born and raised -roll tide

i once attended a wedding in a church in a small town in alabama that included a person doing ballet dance in pink dance garb before the ceremony - and i thought THAT was bad...

i would wear it without a stitch of irony.

dear ciara: please put this burka on- thanks! - sincerely, concern troll pearl clutchers everywhere

i have more or less been criticized for my resting bitch face/not smiling during meetings - nor was anyone else, least of all the dour faced boss men who are never criticized for such an offense

there’s a reason they work alone in cubicles all day then go home to empty studio apts to sit behind computers talking shit online or in video games all night

the QA tester here who is a woman gets similar feedback -they take the bugs she reports as personal slights

being polite is a waste of time that rarely achieves anything - there’s a reason women are taught to be polite and men aren’t

Abby Lee Kemp- sounds like a realsmoove redneck criminal