congressional lemon party

the molestation was known for years before he married and had kids - the law was involved and helped cover it up - will CPS really be making visits to these people?

it seems to be endemic in a lot of these situations that the mother knows about the abuse and does nothing or blames the kid.

why don’t these people ever get pissed off that the corporations are the one’s selling off all their so-called jobs overseas? minorities/immigrants aren’t taking any job they would ever do here and corps. get the work done cheaper overseas than these so-called “disenfranchised working-class whites” would accept as

‘muricans might not have a bunch of islamic nambla-style poetry but whites/americans/christians commit their fair share of this abuse.

her body language and constantly playing with her wedding ring (off/on/fiddling) - she so clearly wanted to fuck leo.
