If I hit the lottery jackpot, my wife would never know. She’d just wonder why a few dozen Right-Hand-Drive cars suddenly ended up in our Driveway...and front yard....and back yard.
If I hit the lottery jackpot, my wife would never know. She’d just wonder why a few dozen Right-Hand-Drive cars suddenly ended up in our Driveway...and front yard....and back yard.
who keeps thousands of cars so spotless?
Scrolling through internally saying: “want, want, want, would have, want, want, want, want, want, would have, want, want, want, want”.
They can’t break with the precedent from the landmark case of La-La-La-Can’t-Hear-You v. Mom.
There has to be a pro-boner joke in there somewhere.
“do your hips swear to tell the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth?”
if shakira gets sued she won’t have to swear under oath, since her hips don’t lie
No kickstand needed.
Now we need an article about putting motorcycle tires on cars. I could kind of see a drag racer wannabe setup where you have two bike tires on the front and really wide tires on the back.
i don’t like big, stupid, size 14 shoes
For that price you can get an Audi S3....
Yes, full of all the peoplekind.
And adults in government!
free healthcare and Cheap sports cars!!!!!!!!
I love my country!
Dude, you know you weren’t being sarcastic. If you were, then you’re fucking terrible at it. This is like internet 101, don’t try to pretend you were sarcastic when someone (correctly) calls you out for not reading an article.
you lost me at “meter”, mate.
From Nobel prize winning physicist Kip Thorne’s 1994 book BLACK HOLES AND TIME WARPS. I was forced - FORCED, I tell you - to order three inexpensive wooden meter sticks from Amazon just so I can do this in real-life.
“Battle rattle.” Heh. I like that. Hope y’all were safe out there.