
I just went though my keys and removed everything that I wouldn't need on a regular basis. Turns out I had a key for a car I hadn't had in years still on my keychain. Doh!

Now all we need is a unified vanilla/apps login! Hopefully before my phone contract is up and I pickup whatever the greatest Android is at the time...

@Platypus Man: Right... I forgot about the whole link needing to be in dropbox, manually it makes sense, I was thinking in the context of this application and right clicking to sync to dropbox.

How do all these dropbox symlink tricks work on the other side? Like other computers that you sync with. IE if you sync "Desktop/Work" on computer A does it become "Dropbox/Work" on computer B? Do you have to setup the same symlinks on each system?

@smokeymaverick: That message is most likely because you didn't get the public key for the repository... Which I'll admit sounds kind of obtuse.

1&1 has got a free no-strings attached domain sale. My girlfriend just picked one up yesterday.

SSHD and putty have served me pretty well. Combine that with dropbox and I'm set.

@ploopsy: You can just enable the "press ctrl to find my mouse option" or whatever it is.

G until it dies.

Combined with Apple refusing to allow devs to use anything but their Obj-C and native APIs I have a feeling that the future for great apps on Android keeps looking better and better.

This dot nonsense makes me angry.

Funny, in my younger years contacts in my phone prefaced with "W-" were not for work...

Ahhh Russian internet.

I did this last week, although I went a bit heavy on the toppings, so I just stuck it under the broiler for two minutes when I pulled it off the grill.

Just a heads up, Chrome is probably the worst program to show off the differences between these themes... Thats's why a bunch of people think that this is just backgrounds.

@criosray: A layer of dust can act as an insulator, thus negating any heatsink effects.

@Merricat: This is very true. Especially for the space and enter.

My best keyboard cleaning trick: