trust me, if it ever happens the headline would lead with the words “holy shit”
trust me, if it ever happens the headline would lead with the words “holy shit”
You can sort your games alphabetically, by recently played, by file size, by console (Xbox OG, Xbox 360, Xbox One), by Xbox One X enhanced, and a few more I believe. So I’d say that’s loads better than the Switch. It’s easy to find stuff in the store too.
Speaking of, I feel cheated that Palpatine was resurrected by opening crawl and we never found out exactly how he survived. That was some bullshit.
Loved Control. Played it extensively and walked away with the Platinum trophy. Hate time limits. Hate them. Played Expeditions once, and that’s quite enough. Bring on the storydriven DLC.
I mean, Kickstarter’s history is a cautionary tale of over-promising and under-delivering, if anything this is a celebration of developers who not only delivered on promises but gave a quality product that was beloved by the community. I’m sure they worked a fair bit more than they initially envisioned but I doubt…
Their last game looked good and played decently enough, so I’m hopeful
a game where you can go on a date with a sword
Didn’t they all kinda follow the Super Mario 64 format?
It’s so nice to see that getting hired by Nintendo to save NOA from a massive blunder hasn’t dampened Shigeru’s artistic side any at all when he had -no- game experience to speak of, but was very much a fresh-faced artist interviewed and hired as a favor.
Yeah, I’m ribbing a multi-billion-dollar publisher for being misleading in its PR. If you don’t like that, there are plenty of more PR-friendly reporters and websites out there to follow!
Oh, the vision was certainly a huge factor in it, absolutely. But frankly, if anything the decision to destroy the thing we’ve spent the whole game trying to get so we could use needed more set-up, not less.
The Inquisitor fortress is located on Nur, which is in the same system as Mustafar, which is where Vader’s fortress is located. You literally can see Mustafar in the background when you’re first going down to Nur. You know that Vader is alive and hunting Jedi in this era. It’s not a huge leap to extrapolate that the…
There are two problems with Stadia.
I hope everyone who insists that speedrunners are all cheating takes these category names to heart, and I can’t wait to see this game make it into a GDQ for our amusement.
If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.
So are the shitty G/O Media masters now just bringing in freelancers on the promise that they can plug their shit for half a post as long as something goes up on the site? How is this not marked as a fucking ad?
Putting up a disclaimer is not sufficient because the inherent goal is to censor support for Hong Kong and dissent against the Chinese government. These companies are not facing pressures from private Chinese companies/investors/individuals/customers, they are facing pressures from the Chinese government itself.
Because they’re partially or wholly owned by a Chinese corporation.
They’re shortening it to HKA to avoid saying ‘Hong Kong’. The talk they’re giving is corporate speak to obfuscate the purpose: don’t let folks say Hong Kong, don’t let folks give traction to a movement, don’t let the outside world take notice.