There’s nothing wrong with being unaware of racist stereotypes. But now that you know, it seems like the best path is to learn about why they’re a problem and then avoid them going forward.
There’s nothing wrong with being unaware of racist stereotypes. But now that you know, it seems like the best path is to learn about why they’re a problem and then avoid them going forward.
The entire argument here is that the author (who writes about video games for a living) doesn’t want to play a universally celebrated video game because it’s too similar to another game they like to play? OK?
Elon's anti-LGBT so I don't think he'd mind if we deadnamed his platform and keep calling it Twitter
Yep, Halo Infinite is 100% finished and does not need... oh, wait, hang on, my producer is telling me the game still needs tons of work. So why the fuck are they laying off developers? Got any other stupid comments, bootlicker?
It really does feel like DMZ accomplishes what those multiplayer Ghost Recon titles had been trying and failing to accomplish, and the session-based format is probably a big contributor there. My buddies and I aren’t all gonna wade through each others Ubisoft open-world sandboxes to try to figure out who’s getting…
Should maybe add “JK Rowling has her specifically said that the royalties she gets from stuff make her feel that she’s correct and should continue to act the way she does”.
This list only scratches the surface on how crowded those months are. There’s also games with confirmed Spring dates (One Piece Odyssey, Atomic Heart, Wild Hearts, Like a Dragon: Ishin!, and Wo Long), games with Spring Windows (Starfield, Redfall, Flintlock, Hyper Light Breaker, Suicide Squad, Eternights), and scores…
My first couple Ditto encounters were accidents, which was kind of fun. I almost wish they had something, like a newly repurposed Silph Scope, that unlocked the ability to see them through targeting instead of that just being the default. Would have been a neat touch.
Bo surprise either. The venn diagram between “libertarian free speech fetishist” and “first person to call the cops over someone making fun of them ” is a circle.
Makes me wonder how much CheapAssGamer and Wario64 make.
Gaming blog site posts articles about popular game. In other news, water is wet.
It’s a paracausal entity. When it moves the fabric of reality is bent to prevent it from being observed.
If this website is a disgrace, be a fucking adult and stop reading it. Good lord you’re pathetic.
Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.
“It takes place in the future, and to my knowledge doesn’t position itself as an animated show that exists within the Toy Story universe.”
Man i hate people. Like WHY call the number? Is it just general public can’t separate fact and fiction? It’s kinda gross people harass like this.