
Yeah, it’d be nice to have those typical “behavior” settings a lot of ARPGs have. Maybe even two settings: one for how often they use their action points (aggressive, reserved, never) and one for which actions to focus on (attack, defend, support). I’d even shoot for a third optional one letting you specify type of

He’s Wedge because the Wedge he is named after is also a larger man... doesn’t negate the food/fat trope in all entertainment (games, movies, cartoons, etc) but it does explain why Biggs is the smaller and Wedge is the larger. 

The shared experiences are great, but we started the game on my significant others account and 5 days in with working on my third house expansion we realized she was the only one who could progress the story... She plays like 1 hour every few days where as I game fairly often and we’d gotten it to play around together

Classic Maid Outfit*

No worries! I’m super excited to get my butt kicked for awhile. I was listening to ACG’s review as well and he suggested much the same as you so I’ll probably do exactly what you suggested (normal for intro, start over on easy if I’m just not having a good time).

Doesn't Ori come out tomorrow? I've been super psyched for this and can't wait to play!

I am resisting the urge to buy Darksiders Genesis because the last 3 or 4 games I’ve bought went to game pass sometimes less than a month after I bought them (Indivisible, Plague Tale, and Remnant off the top of my head)

I picked up an apple tv to deter me from buying every game on my backlog out of boredom and depressive kicks (ya know, those fun swings when you know you love and enjoy something but your brain is just like... nah, what if we just stared at the ceiling for a few hours or dissociate while endless scrolling through

Wish there was a seeing that allowed you to retain the upgrades from a playthrough when doing mission select. Loved this game though!

He made his decision in the visions I think. When he saw that the kids would have the same life as he did, on the run and scared. That was the turning point in my eyes, not Vader.

That is what I want. A switch lite body (perma-connected joycons) that docks. I have two sets of joy cons and two pro controllers so I’m not hurting for controllers when docked, but I’d love to go mobile and have the more solid form factor.

I'm excited for what they announced... but still no super mario 3d world? :/

A reliable source of an interesting afternoon read.

I just miss all of the FF people that were in KH2. It seems kinda hollow when a quarter of the characters you interacted with just kinda disappeared with no explanation. Still only about 60% through the game, but I enjoyed my time in it thus far.

Will it be released in the west or do you have to import it?

They even reviewed really well! I think you’re right that it was just a matter of exposure. They’d especially do well now considering they are a FromSoft game and streamers could easily capitalize on the “hidden gem” appeal for a favorite developer.

That would have absolutely been the correct thing to do. I think I kept the rubber, I should probably go do that (since if you don't, there is a giant hole exposing the circuitry where one of the rubber tabs was)

Yeah, I play with my launch one still but the grips literally detached from the controller lol. Will probably look at this if it is expected to work with the scarlet

Kinda bummed Otogi 1/2 didn't make it