What if you believe in socialism, campaign for those candidates at all levels, and can defend the policies?
What if you believe in socialism, campaign for those candidates at all levels, and can defend the policies?
Drew gave his hot take about Joakim Noah. What is the hottest take (relative to the average Deadspin reader) that you have?
Yeah. I figured as much. It’s a weird possessive trait that a lot of descendants of Holocaust survivors (and others that don’t) have. They are very protective of the word “genocide” that they get wrapped up in scale and method, even though it would be impossible for a WW2-style genocide to happen today.
When government officials call it an “extermination,” I think the term is appropriate.
The breast implant one that featured uncensored medical nudity was shocking when it aired. It’s also how my brother found out that I was a lesbian.
Using the definition “
Exactly. This happens a lot with Holocaust historians. They get so singly-focused that they ignore obvious parallels and similarities and refuse to use intersectional language because they focus on the differences.
Yes. And she refuses to call bombing people in an open air prison with sub-human sanctions a genocide.
Holocaust denial is a horrific brand of white supremacism. While Dr. Lipstadt has condemned Israel’s use of Holocaust rhetoric to justify their slaughter of Palestinians, she still uses mental gymnastics to not call these murders a genocide or holocaust.