
They could have if they had included the 6 or 8 figures they usually do for the game, but they chose to make it not Force Awakens specific and pair up Vader & Kylo Ren and ROTJ Luke & Finn.

I am not making this up, I saw a woman in Toys R Us complaining loudly that Rey wasn’t included in a set of figures... from Return of the Jedi. A store employee was being very helpful and even suggested, “We have her speeder in stock, and it includes a figure of Rey.” The woman’s response was to scrunch up her face

I never got the idea that there was some sort of elaborate switcheroo with the lightsabers planned...but I can see someone thinking that along that lines of “oooh, let’s be clever and trick the SW geeks out there”, so I’ll give the Rey lightsaber toys a pass....

Yeap, especially when talking about a new Star Wars. Every blog and site including gawker ones were constantly digging for little pieces of merchandise to write a shitty new article about. Disney did good placing embargoes, a good example in a time of reveal-everything trailers and leaks.’d be nice if the critics walked back their hostility somewhat considering that you can’t exactly wrap toys in SPOILER ALERT packaging and say “Only open this after you see the movie.”

Yup create controversy and therefore high demand...duh