I am still surprised that he hasn’t gone out the Caracalla way yet.
... and I’m not saying if that “real shame” thing were to happen that I would buy a crap-load of champagne and throw a HUGE party... but I’m not NOT saying it.
The team only stated that they were against racial injustices and supported racial equality and activism. They didn’t accuse the police of racism or even mention Kenosha, Wis.
In a statement on Friday, Obama’s team confirmed that players reached out to him and that as a well-known “avid basketball fan” he had advised them on how to use their platform to work towards meaningful engagement on criminal justice and police reform.
Well and bravely done, gentlemen! We are inspired by your bravery.
Wow. This is a BIG DEAL.
Well, hurricanes are considered an “act of God,” so God obviously WANTS this monument to be toppled. The city didn’t do it, so God did.
You are absolutely correct about the park service completely glossing over the plantation period of the history. That has unofficially been part of their job for years, making American history as “glorious” as possible. The park service website seems to be all about the Roosevelt memorial, other than a short paragraph.
If you are trying to avoid any place that used to be a plantation, you are living in the wrong part of the country. You may be better off assuming wherever you go WAS a plantation until shown otherwise.
They arrested him for murder in Illinois.
...primarily Susan Collins.
So... the Trump family knows he lies, believes that the others are going to cheat other family members out of money, knows that he has profited from cheating the tax system and abusing the bankruptcy codes, and is morally appalled by actions he is taking in the name of “security”... and still does jack shit, except…
I’m dead of diabetes by then either way. My only shot was Medicare for All, and black Southern Democrats who won’t provide any Electoral College votes in November took that off the table for me. A big chunk of me wants everyone to suffer as much as I’m going to.
Sorry. Black Southern Democrats decided to saddle us with Joe Biden - you can get him over the finish line. Once SC goes for the Democrats, I’ll shut up.