
Trump’s COVID-19 Task Force Wasted No Time Throwing Georgia and Gov. Brian Kemp Under the Coronavirus Bus

I mean, the original was also wonderfully awful... so it makes sense.

Hey, folks! We have a racist gatekeeper on our hands!

I think that he is just going for “nasty woman.” His ads are making her as white as possible.

Yep, they are all over the grays.

The social construct myth of “Whiteness” is very much a monolith. Society considers me “white,” but my ancestry is French, Italian, Spanish, Irish and German. At one time or another, a few of those were not considered “White” (or “White Enough”) by the standards of the day. Irish and Italians in particular were

I like Warren. I would like her better on the ticket than Biden.

Biden appointing Obama to the Supreme Court on day 1 and then promptly pulling a William Henry Harrison would be one hell of a way to finish a political career!

You mean to tell me that there is no amount of training we can provide that will turn a predator into a protector?!

I’m simply in shock that Harris was sentenced to life in prison for selling less than a gram of weed.

Kemp already got caught cheating in the Governor’s election and had absolutely zero repercussions for it. You don’t think they are going to escalate their attacks against a fair election process this time around?


It has to start at the bottom. Plenty of Dem. Reps got primary challenges from the left, and the “old school” Dems lost to the new blood. We just have to keep up the pressure. 

This is a big decision. It’s got to be about more than a VP pick who could bring in some votes. Who is best qualified to do the job?

I like Warren. I voted for her in the primary. I was hoping for her as Pres. and Julian Castro for VP.

At an event to mark Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States, Black employees became “living display” pieces, performing as Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman and Floyd, according to two medical center staffers and internal emails obtained by The Post.

The NAACP is now calling on the Waycross Police Department to release body-cam and camera dash footage of the traffic stop, reports the Atlanta Journal Constitution. 

I can see why one would be paranoid of seeing this whenever they encounter new information! Windows Brain Edition will kill us all!