It isn’t “less than they need to make a decent life,” it is what we can as a business afford. In slow months, the owners, my parents, do not cash their paychecks. No one in this area is paying close to $15/hour to anyone starting.
It isn’t “less than they need to make a decent life,” it is what we can as a business afford. In slow months, the owners, my parents, do not cash their paychecks. No one in this area is paying close to $15/hour to anyone starting.
As a young, naive youth, I, along with all of my white friends, heard stories from minorities we knew and kind of thought to ourselves, “It can’t really be that bad. I’m sure that they get more police attention from the bad ones, but they have to be exaggerating.”
“This bill would only raise the minimum wage to $15 after five years, meaning inflation and the cost of living will put that figure even further behind what’s necessary.)
I find your lack of dill havarti disturbing.
International. He’s Canadian.
I really do not want to kill anyone, nor do I advocate violence as solution to problems of politics and perspective....
I know that this is an unpopular opinion, but this fight does illustrate the problems and nuance regarding a national minimum wage. For the record, I DO believe that we do need a national minimum wage, but it should be tied to cost of living.
and take your star!
How long will Republicans continue to fiddle as the world burns?
Look, I do not need to kidnap black people for their youthful bone marrow.
Well, the original “economic anxiety” was the worry that the new president was going to free their “property” and thus ruin their plantation way of life (owning people, beating them, killing them, raping them, selling their own children from the rape to other plantations, etc.), so they obviously had to secede and…
If Trump is the primary example of whiteness these days, excuse me while I make several dozen appointments with my tattoo artist. I’m joining the lizard people.
maybe if we got to North Koreans style “vote for trump or head to labor camp”, but still, even then...
I am hoping that you were posting a joke that didn’t quite land, but if it was not, this was a “The Walking Dead” reference.
“Nancy terrifies Pelosi me?”
While the administration has hired several gay ambassadors, and Trump became the first Republican president to issue a statement celebrating Pride Month ever, LGBTQ+ employees serving at posts abroad say they feel more vulnerable than years prior, and have decided against discussing LGBT issues publicly to avoid…
Nope, that’s it for me. No more internet today.