
“There were never any missing organs,” Gay said. “The lab that does our autopsies has the organs. Coroner’s offices don’t always have a morgue or a forensic pathologist. We contract those services out. We utilize a team in Allentown. That’s who retains the specimens. They don’t always tell us what they retain. We

I really have no idea how anyone can see this buffoon as anything but the lousy, transparent con man that he is.

“I believe that there’s a change in weather and I think it changes both ways,” Trump said.

You spelled “achomlishment” wrong.

It kind of amazes me how quickly this thing got resolved after it became apparent to everyone that most Republicans hated the idea of more tariffs on Mexican goods.

This reminds me of my grandmother (in Louisiana) trying to defend my grandfather to my dad, after my dad asked my grandfather not to say certain things around us kids.

I could not be happier about this. This could actually get me to go to McDonald’s to buy a shake!

As someone whose parents are from Louisiana and they (and all of my cousins) attended Catholic school there, the only thing that surprises me about this story is how in the world this man could not hold his liquor, especially with drinks served in a strip club!

Also 100% true! We can’t forget that not all the abusers were going after children. Nuns were also victims and coerced into silence, and some nuns were even themselves abusers!

Exactly! Look, abusers appear in all walks of life. It happens. Face the problem, don’t hide it, and report it to the police.

A friend of mine years ago had a great line about that.

You’re point about Catholicism feeling like an old pagan religion is excellent - I got that a lot from people, and I just shrugged and told them that there wouldn’t be a Christmas or Easter or even a Halloween without early Christians (who ended up being known as Catholics) appropriating some of those seasonal

I had the same experience with fundamentalists while I was young and Catholic.

I really believe that American Christian Fundamentalism is the worst thing to happen to theology in the last thousand years, for all the reasons that all the comments above me just listed. Their existence may very well do what Mr. Boddiger says in the title, actually prove that God does not exist.

I am hoping that this is all a ruse for Harry to pummel the crap out of Trump in front of the rest of the family for calling his wife names. 

“If Adolph Hitler flew in today, they’d send a limousine anyway.”