What would you say was abnormal about this man before he beat his child to death?
What would you say was abnormal about this man before he beat his child to death?
But your mom enjoys it so much!
So you have no point. Got it.
So you believe that this man MEANT to kill his child, rather than just losing control while beating her?
Of course...
Most of the car looks good, but the headlight design is awful.
I think that this change may come back to bite Republicans in the ass. This may actually hurt rural white recipients of SNAP (Trump voters) more than the urban, minority recipients.
I am sure that he did not think that what he was doing was going to result in the death of his daughter, and he was going to “discipline” her.
I will be sure to bring this us the next time someone tells me “spare the rod, spoil the child!”
I am not sure how one could make Exodus more Jewish. It was kind of their thing to begin with.
I am un-graying this to expose how stupid this website you linked really is.
It’s true! That’s what caused the Dutch to go extinct!
I’m totally (not) surprised that a Fishbein wouldn’t acknowledge that in fact these people spreading the disease are Jewish.
Unfortunately, it will take a plague that kills or cripples thousands before some of these people believe that inoculations are not an evil corporate conspiracy on behalf of big pharma.
In 2012 black voter turnout was 66.6% while in 2016 it was 59.6%—the biggest percentage point drop ever for blacks at the polls. Could those 765,000 votes have kept Orange Dumbass from being elected? If they were in the right states, then absolutely.
You mean this guy?
Look, if someone does actually end up killing her due to their overtly racist talking points, I am sure that Republicans will feel bad and will offer up their thoughts and prayers.
Yep, The Ingraham Angle appears to be about 25 degrees with a straight right arm.