
I look forward to Trump serving the American people cold Big Macs on a day when everyone else in the country is grilling good food.

Absolutely, this disaster is decades in the making! I just think that it should surprise no one when people are starving after their government decides to stop growing food!

What I support is the right of the Venezuelan people to have a government that doesn’t let them starve to death while beating and killing those who call them out for their corruption and mismanagement of a publicly owned resource.

Seriously, under Chavez and Maduro, they put all of their eggs in the “oil boom” basket, and it came back to bite the Venezuelan people in the ass.

Lacking any other information or facts in this story, assuming even that you believe whatever the teacher said, this is and 11 YEAR OLD GIRL! 

Google is a wonderful search engine. You should try it sometime.

True, Bush has the higher total body count, but I kind of expect that from a “true believer” in reshaping the globe in our image.

Well, Putin did steal a United States presidential election, so he has that going for him. Plus, his billionaire friends all have Trump in their debt. I still think that they are at least trying to cover for themselves with all the journalist murders, so not quite as overt.

I am not so sure that Putin’s is any worse than Trump’s as far as outright theft is concerned, though Putin has the edge in journalists murdered.

He may well be the first president to go to prison under the RICO act.

My only hope is that enough of these guys face conviction as to scare the most corrupt candidates away from running for public office.

They at least lied about how much they knew, had an Iraqi who swore that Hussein was still manufacturing the weapons, and even had Powell take yellow-cake uranium to the U.N. to make their case. I really think that a lot of Bush’s administration believed what they wanted to believe, even if contradicted by the CIA

I try not to engage in hyperbole, but can anyone think of any presidential administration that has had so much overt corruption?

Jeepers! Celebrities don’t get much bigger than him!

Is this more “irony” or “poetic justice?”

+1 failure of the Canadian public school system!

The bartender says, “Sorry guys, the girls here are all over 21, none of them are casting agents willing to give you a job, and none of them look like Tom Brady!”

Republicans bring up the Democratic Party’s racist past to deflect attention from their own racist present.