
I am more disappointed with the public statements from police unions that if you criticize any action taken by a member of a police force, on or off duty, that you must hate all law enforcement officers BECAUSE YOU AREN’T THE ONE OUT THERE ON THE JOB, MAN!

Honestly, we do really need to scrap the whole system and start over. In most countries, there is a central policing authority, so that everyone has someone to hold them accountable.

I have met some of these people, and I think that you may be underestimating how legitimately stupid and inbred some of these motherfuckers are.

Or, as I prefer to call them, “Pinkertons.”

Yeah, I am very pro-union, especially in the manufacturing sector, where it arose out of necessity to keep you from being killed on the job.

He’s not wrong.

Oh, I agree with you. That is one of those disingenuous “life in a vacuum” phrases that is supposed to shut up dissent, like “all lives matter.”

I will not fold, I will not bend

Are you crazy? That’s white with gold!

The truth is that he would never be able to muster up the courage to do it. That would require personal effort, and he pays people for that. If it ever came to deciding that Cohen must go, Vlad would send some polonium that would “accidentally” end up in Cohen’s coffee.

So what if President Trump shot Michael Cohen on the steps of Congress before he testified? Didn’t Pol Pot kill MILLIONS of Cambodians through execution, forced labor and starvation? Where is the liberal media outrage over THAT?!”

I actually watched part of Tucker’s meltdown over this. The mental gymnastics are Olympic level.

I’m going to go with “It’s OK to be white, as long as you aren’t a dick who feels like they have to deface someone else’s mural to affirm your own fragile self-image.”

Welch had been prompted into the attack by a right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that Comet Ping Pong was the center of a child sex trafficking ring run by Hillary Clinton and other prominent Democrats.

Seriously, what the fuck happened, America? Arrested for getting a child needed healthcare?

This is a strange feeling. This is the best I have felt about our government since November of 2016.

How strange is it that both would be considered the “radical left” by Republicans today.

This comment has the best initial quality.

This directly contradicts the actual declarations of secession from the Confederate states, which are a quick Google away. They specify slavery as a reason that they wanted to leave the United States. Also:

Yeah, in all other ways Republicans want the U.S. to go back to the 1950's, but as soon as you remind them of the 90% taxes on the wealthiest Americans, and that a full 25% of the workforce was a part of a union, they shut up a bit.