
Critics are really missing the boat on this one - I hope not too many are dissuaded from watching this splendid, brilliant and very beautiful series because of the chronic clueless snottiness of that crew. They didn't get Mister Robot either until real humans noticed that it was terrific.

So happy that I got all the way to the end of these excellent comments without having to finally gag over this one - it's all that the infantile idiots congregating elsewhere can talk about. It was actually very excellent - I don't think anyone has ever actually screened a naked, non-nubile, actually old female body

Thing is, dark and stormy night often really works. I always loved that L'Engle started Wrinkle in Time with that line - like, "Screw you, watch how it goes, superbly, right?" And yeah, it does. But wake-up-in-bed-with-lover is just limply post-coital, and gunshot-cut-to-black is always an eye-roller. You don't say,

Oh I dunno. Moffat's around and that means expectations are likely to go all confetti.

Oh GOOD. I like this reviewer; Sherlock's a tough one to get just right.

Seems to be a consensus that he didn't look younger - I distinctly thought he did. Maybe I just made that happen, but am not persuaded until I re-watch. He doesn't have to be vastly older, we're talking @16 years, right? Not that much changes between say 30 and 46.

Anything remotely like that and I'm going to sell my worldly goods and move to the Canadian wilderness.

Great review. Two things I've desperately not wanted since I became captivated by this series:
1. Any resolution that turns primarily on a cheap psychological trope - ie, everything and everyone is just a crumbling representation or fragment of Elliot's delusional mind state, projected upon an altogether different